English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammar: Verbs: The 12 Basic English Tenses
Information about verb tenses and links to additional information about present, past, and future tenses.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: The Simple Present
This lesson introduces the simple present tense and how it is used. This tutorial lesson shares a short slideshow with the lesson's content.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Verb Tenses
This slideshow lesson focuses on 12 verb tenses by providing background and examples of each. The 12 verb tenses are as follows: present, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past, past continuous, past...
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Verb Tense Activities
This site provides several worksheets that require students to analyze the verb tenses used in sentences. Students will enjoy the "pirates" theme as they identify verbs, verb phrases, and verb tenses.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Intro to Verb Tense
Choose the appropriate verb tense by asking yourself: 'Does this sentence take place in the past, the present, or the future?'
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Managing Time With Tense and Aspect
Using what you've already learned about tense and aspect, use your time wizardry to make sense of these sentences.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Verb Tenses
This video is a lesson on all 12 verb tenses using graphic organizers.
English Club
English Club: What Is Tense?
Notes and examples of verb tense including past, present, future, progressive, and perfective.
English Club
English Club: Basic Tenses
Notes and examples of verb tense including past, present, future, active, passive, normal, intensive, continuous, perfect, and continuous perfect.
Ez School: Games: Alter Verb Tense
This practice quiz presents a verb and asks students to type in a specific form of the verb, such as the past perfect tense of sleeping.
Quia: Recognizing Verb Tenses
To earn fame and fortune in this game, name the correct tense used in each sentence by selecting it from the four options given. Both Java and HTML versions are provided.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 1
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 2
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 3
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 4
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 5
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 6
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 7
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 8
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 9
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 10
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 11
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 12
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 13
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.