San Diego Zoo Global
San Diego Zoo: African Penguin
This excellent resource from the San Diego Zoo presents extensive information on African penguins including details about their habitat, physical characteristics, size, diet, family life, conservation status, and fun facts.
DOGO Media
Dogo News: Week of 4 25 16: Penguin Returns to Bond With Man Who Rescued Him
A touching story about a penguin's annual return to the home of a man who rescued him in Brazil. Includes video.
Penguin Science
Penguin Science: Penguins Marching Into the Classroom
Follow Adelie Penguin families as they raise their chicks. Daily pictures (November through January) from the penguin colony on Ross Island, Antarctica. are posted with data for students to keep a field journal. Inquiry classroom...
Bbc Science & Nature: Adelie Penguin
BBC Wildfacts provides nature photography and a fact sheet about the Adelie penguin.
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Ornithology: Big Crested Penguin
Information about the Big-crested penguin: physical characteristics, behavior, reproduction, diet, distribution, threats to survival, conservation status, etc. (Published Jan. 10, 2010)
Utah Education Network
Uen: Where in the World Is Tacky the Penguin?
Art activity and a classroom graph that ties with the "Tacky the Penguin Series".
National Geographic Kids
National Geographic Kids: Animals: Emperor Penguin
This multi-media site includes video and audio clips about the Emperor Penguin. A great site for research projects, fun facts, maps and more.
Glossopedia: Rockhopper Penguins
Rockhopper penguins live in steep, rocky places. The only way they can get around on land is to hop from rock to rock. Rockhoppers grow about 46 cm tall - almost as high as an adult's knee. They are the smallest of the crested penguins....
Pbs Nature: Penguins
Did you know that penguins can survive for more than 100 days without food or water? Discover more educational facts about these fascinating birds when you explore this site.
Pbs: Nature: The World of Penguins
What do you know about the world of penguins? This PBS site features information about these flightless birds. Come and check out this extraordinary resource.
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Gulf of Maine Aquarium: Antarctica: Penguin Adaptation
Read a paragraph about penguin adaptations and then create a suit for a penguin. Materials are listed at the bottom of the page.
Read Works
Read Works: Penguins: Up Close and Personal
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about three different types of penguins: the emperor, the king, and the little blue. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Starfall: Penguin, Penguin
This interactive nonfiction ebook focuses on penguins. Students can choose to read independently or listen to each sentence.
Exploratorium: Ice Stories: Dispatches From Polar Scientists: Penguins
A resource featuring a select few penguin species living in the Antarctic Peninsula, particularly off of Ross Island. Discover the Adelie and the Emperor penguins who reside in this region.
Pbs: Nature: Penguins of the Antarctic Penguins: Sensitive Indicators
Explore current scientific research on the impact that climate changes are having on the penguins of Antarctica. Gather information regarding penguins, and write a story from a penguin's point of view that describes its daily life.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Little Penguin (Eudyptula Minor)
Investigate the world of the Little Penguin and discover information on the appearance, behavior, diet, habitat, and conservation status of the smallest species of penguin in the world. Includes images and statistics.
Read Works
Read Works: Penguin Power
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about penguins. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Penguins: Popularity, Peril and Poop
Dyan deNapoli explains the reasons behind the decline in penguin populations and why penguins are like the proverbial canary in the coal mine of our oceans. [5:23]
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Yellow Eyed Penguin (Megadyptes Antipodes)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the megadyptes antipodes, otherwise known as the yellow-eyed penguin.
Animal Fact Guide
Animal Fact Guide: African Penguin
Learn more about African penguins with this resource guide that explores their habitat, diet, conservation facts, and more.
San Diego Zoo Global
San Diego Zoo: Kids: African Penguin
Colorful resource for learning fun facts about African penguins with photographs as well as information regarding their physical characteristics and unique features.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Macaroni Penguins
Discover useful information about macaroni penguins including description, behavior, range, habitat, diet, breeding, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Galapagos Penguins
Illustrated reference guide features useful information on the Galapagos penguin with facts on physical characteristics, behavior, range, habitat, diet, and conservation status.
MarineBio Conservation Society
Marine Bio: Fiordland Penguins
Illustrated reference guide features useful information on the Fiordland penguin with facts on physical characteristics, behavior, range, habitat, diet, and conservation status.
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