Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Sound & Rhyme
This lesson discusses the use of sound in poetry, mainly focusing on the use of rhyme. Various kinds of rhyme are defined (rhyme scheme, perfect rhyme, forced rhyme, slant rhyme, masculine rhyme, feminine rhyme, visual rhyme, and...
Arizona State University
Alberto Rios, Arizona State U.: Glossary of Rhymes
This is a very extensive list of rhymes that "Occur frequently in discussions of poetry and critical writing, but not with absolute consistency." All have definitions, and many have examples. They are organized into five categories:...
Bob's Byway: Glossary of Poetic Terms
Calling itself "unique," Bob's is easy to use, with cross-links throughout, phonetic pronunciation guides when necessary, and many examples and quotations. Click on the letter and scroll for the word.