Cuemath: Permutations and Combinations
Takes a look at the different situations where to use permutation or combination and the difference between them. Includes definitions, solved examples, and practice questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Probability and Combinatorics: Permutations and Combinations
Practice solving problems on permutations and combinations with overcounting. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Probability: Combinations Grades 9 10
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Given a set, learn how to calculate its number of combinations.
Interactive Mathematics
Interactive Mathematics: Permutations
Permutations are used in several detailed examples to demonstrate the method for finding the number of arrangements of events.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Hotmath: Practice Problems: Factorials, Permutations, and Combinations
Thirty-five problems cover the topics of combinations, permutations, and factorials in various settings. To review the basics on this topic, click "View Lesson" button.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Homework Help Independent Practice: Permutations and Combinations
Get independent practice working with permutations and combinations. Each incorrect response gets a text box explanation and another try. Correct responses are confirmed.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Counting Principle, Combinations, and Permutations
Students will solve discrete math problems involving permutations, factorials, and combinations. Students are responsible for deciding which is appropriate to solve a given word problem.
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Mathematics: Self Check Quizzes: Permutations and Combinations
This online quiz tests student understanding of permutations and combinations.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Probability With Permutations and Combinations
Probability questions using permutations and combinations of objects. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Pbs Learning Media: Cyberchase: Force Field Combinations
In this Cyberchase video segment, the CyberSquad finds the right combination of switch, lever and button that will deactivate the force field protecting the stolen Black Crystal. [3:21]
Class Flow: Permutations and Combinations
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is an interactive lesson on the probability concept of permutations and combinations. It introduces the concepts by allowing the students to move around objects. At the end of the flipchart...
The Actuarial Foundation: Let's Go to the Mall! Explorations in Combinatorics
Let's Go to the Mall! is designed to help young scholars understand the connection between various kinds of combinations (multiplication principle and choose numbers) and permutations.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Illuminations: Bobbie Bear's Vacation Outfits
Help Bobbie Bear figure out how many outfits he could make with his shirts and pants. He can have up to 5 shirts and 4 pants. Figure out all the possible combinations.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Combinations
This 4-problem quiz/practice using introductory combination problems like if you have 5 friends and can pick 2 of them to join you on a boat ride, how many different groups of friends could you take with you?
University of Regina (Canada)
University of Regina: Math Central: Thoughts on Teaching Perm. And Combin.
An article written for teachers with recommendations on how to present permutations, combinations, and the binomial theorem to students. It contains both useful suggestions about order of presentation and many class examples. A good...
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Probability
Using the counting principle, permutations, combinations, probability, and odds, students will solve problems encountered in day to day experiences.
Mathigon: Combinatorics: World of Math
This lesson focuses on Combinatorics, a branch of mathematics which is about counting. It includes 5 sections: Factorials, Permutations, Combinations, Combinatorics and Pascal's Triangle, and Combinatorics and Probability with examples...
Interactive Mathematics
Interactive Mathematics: Combinations
The combination function is used to solve probability counting problems. Several examples are presented with detailed solutions.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Probability and Fundamental Counting Principle
In these questions, students use the fundamental counting principle, combinations and permutations to determine the number of possible outcomes and the probability. Solutions and explanations are included.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Probability: Tree Diagrams Grades 10 12
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] This lesson covers Tree Diagrams, combinations or permutations to determine the probabilities of multiple events and probability distributions.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Interactive Geometry: 11.8 Permutations and Combinations
Take a look at three techniques for counting outcomes.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Numb3 Rs: Social Security Numbers
Based off of the hit television show NUMB3RS, this lesson is good practice for students who have already learned about permutations. U.S. Social Security Numbers are explained, and then students find the number of different SSNs which...
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Hotmath: Graphing Calculator Practice: Discrete Mathematics and Probability
Practice using your graphing calculator for factorial, combination, and permutation expressions. If you get stumped or if you would like to check your work, then select the View Solution button, which is located directly under each problem.
Pbs Learning Media: Lock Combinations of Knobs and Keys
In this Cyberchase video segment, Matt and Jackie must figure out which combination of knob and key will get them one step closer to retrieving the Black Crystal.