Teacher Vision
Political Events and Summer Olympic Games
During an Olympics year, the world joins together to celebrate athleticism, patriotism, and history. Learn about the Olympiads of the 20th century with a research project in which groups research one year's Olympic Games. They note the...
Special Olympics
Walking & Running
Here's a fun collection of activities for helping youngsters develop body awareness, walking and running skills, spatial awareness, fine motor skills, and adaptive physical education skills such as following directions.
Dexteria Jr. - Fine Motor Skill Development for Toddlers
Preschoolers and toddlers will love playing these three fun, interactive games. Parents, teachers, and therapists will love watching these young app users develop their fine motor skills as they play.
Curated OER
The Physics of Sports: An 8th Grade Physical Science Project
Explore the relationship between sports and physics in a cross-curricular lesson. Middle and high schoolers prepare a multimedia presentation based on a chosen sport. They answer five physics vocabulary questions about how the laws of...
Curated OER
Challenge Games - Lesson Plans
Challenge games and cooperative games are in abundance. This is the lesson plans home page for a wide range of challenge games that promote teamwork, cooperation, trust and communication. There are many links included in this page...
Line Math
Call out an equation and have team members walk, run, or jog to the answer in a line. Then, the next player in line goes. This non-competitive game is good for reinforcing math skills that have answers under 10.
4-Square Volleyball
Bump, set, spike! Play this twist of 4-square to practice volleyball skills. All you need is four squares connected in all the same corner, and four players. The goal of the game is to be able to get to the king's square by...
Get teams running around the perimeter of a court like a racetrack speedway. One person from each team—the number of teams depends on class size—runs around the "speedway" in the same direction, making it back to their team with a...
Curated OER
Rainy Day Blues Turned into Rainbow Smiles
A series of physical fitness games, activities, and teamwork challenges prompt youngsters to get moving! Using Hula Hoops, bean bags, pool noodles, and other materials, elementary and middle schoolers work together and get some...
Curated OER
Spice Up Physical Education During the School Day!
Although kids love Steal the Bacon and Kickball, isn’t it time for something new?
Curated OER
Fun Fitness Activities For Kids
From shuttle run relays to ACTIVE Bingo, you'll be elated to have this PE resource packet in your tool belt for your next fitness lesson. After all, who wouldn't want to play a game called, "Elephants, Giraffes, and Palm Trees"?
Perkins School for the Blind
Modified T-Ball
Baseball can be so entertaining! Here are a few great ideas you can use to get your learners with visual impairments out on the old ball field. A sound-enhanced pitching device or T-ball stand is used to alert players when it's time to...
Lunch Lab
This is the perfect resource for helping youngsters understand the importance of physical activity in their daily lives. The lesson and its worksheets focus on brainstorming a variety of fitness activities, such as games you can...
Extension Activity Building a Healthy Classroom Community
Workout buddies aren't just for adults! Learners discuss the benefits of 60 minutes of physical activity each day and generate ideas for how they can accomplish this by working toward a goal with friends.
Curated OER
Are you starting a unit on golf in your physical education class? An outline for the entire unit includes daily lessons, warm-up activities, a quiz, and all the many basic aspects of playing a game of golf. Look through this resource and...
Perfect Switch
Time to switch up the seating arrangement in your class? Need to form random groups for an in-class activity or project? The object of this game involves class members switching seats precisely according to your directions and varying...
Choose one player to be a Pacman who will walk around the lines of the gym clapping their arms like the mouth of the Pacman. Everyone else stands on a line in the gym without moving. If a Pacman tags a player, then they become a Pacman....
SASK Sports
A Resource Manual for Sport Leaders
Here is an incredible collection of activities designed to teach younger pupils broad-based and sport-specific skills. Games are organized according to a variety of sports (i.e. soccer, softball, baseball, etc.) and skill (i.e....
Curated OER
Physical Education Demonstration Night
Students and parents are introduced to the current practices in physical education. In groups, they examine activities for different aged children when it comes to physical activity. To end the lesson, they watch a video describing the...
Curated OER
Groundhog Day Tag Game
Students play the Groundhog Day tag game to follow instructions and play according to the rules of the game. They attempt to run to the "holes" to be safe or if caught they move to a pre-determined area off the playing field.
Curated OER
Challenge Game - Team-A-Pod
This is an intermediate level challenge game that comes from a ropes course curriculum. As with most challenges for a ropes course, there is focus on communication, trust, decision making, and mostly, cooperation. There are links that...
Curated OER
Challenge Games - Skywriters
Skywriters is an introductory challenge games from ropes course material. It focuses on communnication, team cooperation, trust, and problem solving. There is a link to several more challenge games.
Curated OER
Challenge Games - Caution: Construction Zone
This challenge game activity focuses on not just following directions, but on active listening as the players receiving the directions are blindfolded. The players giving directions need to be clear and concise in telling the blindfolded...
Curated OER
Cardinals vs. Rangers, Game 6
So what happened in game 6 of the 2011 baseball World Series between the St. Louis Cardinals and the Texas Rangers? Read this article and find out. A simple fill in the blank activity to use perhaps on a rainy day.