Teach Engineering: Design an Egyptian Playground
Students are broken up into four groups. Each group will use their knowledge about Egypt to originate a playground for Egyptian children. This will involve brainstorming ideas on paper, building a prototype with Legos or other material,...
Unite for Literacy
Unite for Literacy: Create and Play: Hop, Hop, Hop Scotch
Learn how to play hop scotch in a different way on a spiral design. Book includes audio narration in 10 additional languages with text in English.
Better Planet Productions
Earth Care: Toys for the Future [Pdf]
For this activity designed for Grade 8, students are given the hypothetical task of designing a new school playground area for the younger children. The space must highlight technological innovation and renewable or alternative energy use.
Teach Engineering: Swinging With Style
Students experientially learn about the characteristics of a simple physics phenomenon - the pendulum - by riding on playground swings. They use pendulum terms and a timer to experiment with swing variables. They extend their knowledge...
Teach Engineering: Gps Art
Students design their own logo or picture and use a handheld GPS receiver to map it out. They write out a word or graphic on a field or playground, walk the path, and log GPS data. The results display their "art" on their GPS receiver...
Center for Science Education: Eye on the Sky: Motion of the Sun and Earth
Students model the interaction of the earth and the sun. The activity is designed for the playground. You will need chalk, but all the other worksheets are provided.