Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library & Museum
Rutherford B. Hayes Center: Who Is James K. Polk?
This page features an analysis of the Democratic Party's decision to nominate the relatively unknown James Polk for their presidential candidate in 1844. This article gives insight into the political atmosphere of the time.
Pbs: America 1900: William Jennings Bryan's Campaign Strategy
Historian Walter LaFeber discusses William Jennings Bryan's 1900 campaign strategy to win the White House by criticizing the imperialism of the Republican candidate, William McKinley.
Congressional Research Service: Iran's 2009 Presidential Elections [Pdf]
In this Congressional Research Service Report, Casey L. Addis examines Iran's 2009 Presidential Elections in their entirety, beginning with a summary of the candidates and their campaigns and concluding with a description of the violence...
Northern Illinois University
Illinois in the Gilded Age: 1896: The Cross of Gold
This is a very informative look at the politics involved in the campaign of 1896 where one of the main issues was the conflict between the gold standard and free silver. Read about the results of the election and the defeat of Populist...
Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library: 1916 Election
Here is a multi-faceted look at the election of 1916. Read about the politics of the Democratic and Republican Parties and the results of the election. Also, find out about the interests of immigrants, women, African-Americans, and...
Billed as the "Most comprehensive online guide to American politics," this site offers an overview of the national political scene. Particularly useful are the political ideology resources which present views from across the spectrum of...
International Museum of Women: Women, Power, and Politics: Victoria Woodhull
Ten things you should know about Victoria Woodhull who, in 1872, was the first woman to run for the presidency of the United States.
A&E Television How Jfk's 'Viva Kennedy' Campaign Galvanized the Latino Vote
When JFK faced a tight race for the White House in 1960, he turned to a group of Americans who had long been overlooked by political campaigns. One way the nation's first Catholic president sought to gain an edge in the close contest was...
Pbs News Hour Extra: Voters to Choose Between Economy and Environment
Although this lesson plan deals with the a California vote for 2010 Elections, the subject matter will need to be addressed time and time again: economy vs. environment. Green energy is more expensive. Many companies would have to go out...
Hillary Clinton
Website for Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, 2016, contains news, speeches, events and issues related to Hillary Clinton and her bid for president.
A fact-checking resource examining statements of politicians when it is hard to distinguish what is true and what is false. Politifact has earned a Pulitzer Prize.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: So You Want to Be President?
This project-based learning project extends classroom learning with a variety of multimedia tools to conduct an engaging election campaign for the Presidency. Learners form political parties, write a platform, and conduct a campaign for...
Libertarian Party of Canada
The Libertarian Party of Canada is a party that articulates a political ideology where a government is restrained and people are "free" to pursue property rights and personal "freedom". It is a small party that attempts to run candidates...
Communist Party of Canada (Marxist Leninist)
Canada has an open and democratic electoral system. There are a variety of political parties officially recognized by Elections Canada that have roots in non-democratic traditions. Nevertheless, in Canada, this parties are free to offer...
World Press: Amid the Wreckage of War and Corruption: Presidential Running Mate
This article analyzes the political situation in Sierra Leone prior to its elections in 2007. The political parties and their potential candidates are described. [Date of Article: November 5, 2005]
Pbs News Hour: Vote 2008
Vote 2008 is the official election web page for PBS Online News Hour. Find analysis of candidates and their latest moves as they journey down the presidential campaign trail. There is also a link to the Election 2008 Vote by Issue Quiz.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Commercial Elections
This is a hands-on, technology-based U.S. Government lesson in which learners will view a series of political television advertisements from the 1950s-2000. Students vote on which presidential candidate has the best commercial after each...
Digital History
Digital History: Abraham Lincoln: Great or Reluctant Emancipator [Pdf]
By examinining Abraham Lincoln's speeches as a candidate for the Senate and as a President in the context of the social and political climate of the time, one can see what he believes about slavery, and how the problem of slavery can be...
University of Groningen
American History: Outlines: The Electoral Process
Overview of the election process from the role of political parties in nominating candidates for office to the general election.
Wikipedia: Third Party (United States)
An explanation of the role of third parties, their history, and some notable third party candidates can be found in this Wikipedia article.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: The Election of 1860
The election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 was a watershed moment for the union of the country. Read about the political conventions, several candidates, and the votes that were split among them. Find a map that shows how the electoral...
Bbc News: A Little of Real Palin Revealed
BBC News provides us with a video of 2008 Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's TV interview with Charles Gibson on ABC News. Also includes links to news stories related to election 2008. [9:27]
Bbc News: Afghan Election Goes to Run Off
Because of indications of fraud in the Afghan election, there will now be a run-off election between the two main candidates, Hamid Karzai and Abdullah Abdullah. Details of behind the scenes activity by the USA and of fraud and pressure...
Pbs Learning Media: What Is Social Media's Role in Election 2016?
In this lesson, students examine the different ways candidates use social media, including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter in their presidential campaigns. They will watch videos, read articles, and examine candidates' social media pages.