Flag House
Play Well with Others…Be Active Against Bullying!
Bully-free is the way every school should be! How can you help create that kind of culture in your school? A well-written teacher's guide containing lessons for grades 6-8 may be just the ticket. Each unit, separated by grade level,...
Missouri Department of Elementary
I’m Thumbody!
Positive and negative thinking is the focus of a lesson that boost self-awareness. Beginning with a whole-class discussion, scholars brainstorm what positive thinking looks and sounds like then compares and contrast the two types of...
Missouri Department of Elementary
Assessing Self-Concept
A "My Self-Concept Report Card" worksheet launches a lesson about the importance of positive self-talk. After completing the worksheet, individuals make a list of the things they would do to improve or maintain a positive self-concept.
Missouri Department of Elementary
Juggling New Opportunities
Life is like trying to juggle three tennis balls! That's the big idea in a lesson plan that asks freshmen to consider that sometimes juggling the areas of their lives (social/emotion, academic, and career) runs smoothly and sometimes not...
Missouri Department of Elementary
An Apple a Day
Three apples—green, red, and rotten—exemplify character traits, negative and positive. Following a discussion about the classroom community, scholars complete an apple-themed worksheet that challenges them to read each trait, color it...
Curated OER
Reward Coupons
Keep your kids satisfied with reward coupons for classroom-appropriate items and events. Included here are 27 different coupons for rewards ranging from pencil erasers to 15 minutes of dancing at the end of one school day.
Thoughtful Learning
Recognizing Bullying
Boost social awareness with an activity that challenges scholars to recognize bullying. Participants read 10 scenarios and respond after carefully examining behaviors such as body language, facial expressions, and frequency.
Curated OER
Rules and Consequences in the Classroom
Students study rules and consequences as well as learn positive, healthy behaviors in and out of the classroom. In this behavior instructional activity, students discuss behaviors that got them into trouble at home. Students name trouble...
Curated OER
Risk Behavior: HIV/AIDS
Bring to life the health risks of unsafe sex and drug use. Participants are involved in a simulation they don't understand until the end. One pupil is "in the know", secretly playing the role of being HIV-positive. Everyone else...
Curated OER
A Contract on Bullying
If you want to stop bullying, you need to understand it. A four-part lesson guides learners through defining characteristics of a bully, identifying instances of bullying in the media and in their lives, and signing a contract to become...
Curated OER
Game Related Social Skills
Most of us like to play games, but knowing what to do when a game doesn't go the way one expects is a learned skills. Adolescents with behavioral disorders practice responding to a variety of situations that arise during game play. They...
Curated OER
Acting Like a Third Grader (Part 1)
Third graders, after brainstorming the positive and negative types of behaviors, become aware of the right and wrong way to behave as a third grader. They perform a skit that demonstrates the skills and behaviors used by third grade...
Curated OER
Line Up Balls
At times special needs or Autistic children have a difficult time disengaging from a lesson to line up at the door. This brief strategy overview employs mini-porcupine balls and a pocket. It was developed to help pupils...
Missouri Department of Elementary
How I Act Is Who I Am
A lesson centers itself around the topic of family roles. A whole-class discussion uses puppets and posters to go in-depth into the following character traits; caring, responsibility, respect, and cooperation. The discussion closes with...
Super Teacher Worksheets
Spelling Test Nightmare
What do you do when faced with a bully? Scholars answer this question when presented with a scenario regarding two learners and their spelling test grades. They take part in a grand conversation that leads to problem solving and...
Curated OER
Intolerance in American History
Examine the United States through the lens of intolerance using this 2-week unit plan, which includes details for 13 days of instruction. Scholars study examples of prejudiced behavior throughout history, discuss issues in groups,...
Curated OER
Seeds in Fall...Collect Them All!
Classify seeds by attributes such as size, shape and color! Learners classify seeds using a dichotomous key. They identify human behaviors that have a positive impact on preserving seed and plant biodiversity.
Curated OER
Fish Behavior Bingo
In this fish behavior instructional activity, students use a Bingo card to identify the illustrations of fish behavior. The Bingo card illustrates five fish behaviors with definitions on the bottom of the page. The fish behaviors include...
Curated OER
Health: Overweight Youth
Investigate the primary causes for the increase in overweight youth and discover its impact on the health care system. After watching segments from the Bill Moyers Now program, your students develop campaigns to implement in school that...
Good Karma Applications, Inc
First Then Visual Schedule
Here is an app especially designed for care providers of children with autism or other developmental delays that will help them build customized picture schedules to help support the behavioral needs of their students.
Flower Chart
Grow your pupils' ability to meet expectations with a flower-themed behavior tracking system. Individuals receive flower petals to put on their stems after successfully meeting expectations for activities and lessons. They can receive...
Talking with Trees
What is Responsibility?
Encourage responsible behavior with a worksheet that challenges scholars to read four scenarios, identify the level of responsibility, and brainstorm consequences of the actions taken.
PBIS World
Forced-Choice Reinforcement Menu
Find the best way to appeal to the kids in your class with a positive reinforcement survey. Using forced choices, they decide which of two options would be better for them, based on adult approval, peer approval, independent rewards,...
Social Media Toolbox
Social Media Education
Show what you know about social media! The 16th and final lesson in The Social Media Toolbox gives pupils the opportunity to share their social media experiences with their school communities. Groups identify the most important messages,...