Bbc History: British History: Tudors: Poverty in Elizabethan England
Learn about economic disparity and poverty in Elizabeth's England. Archived.
Ifad: Enabling Poor Rural People to Overcome Poverty
IFAD is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its mission is to alleviate poverty in the world's rural areas by helping them gain access to financial services, markets, technology, and resources.
Department of Defense
Do Dea: English 4; Wealth and Poverty
A learning module asking students to analyze different types of texts, learn literary terms, write a satirical essay and a mock newspaper article, and work with vocabulary skills all within themes related to wealth and poverty.
eSchool Today
E School Today: World Poverty
Understand the meaning of poverty, and how widespread poverty affects communities across the world.
Pbs: The Lowdown: Poverty Trends: What Does It Mean to Be Poor in America?
Use math to learn about changes in US wealth distribution and poverty rate over time in this interactive from KQED. In the accompanying classroom activity, students interpret the graphs and consider how the poverty rate spike following...
Teaching American History
Teaching American History: Nationwide War on the Sources of Poverty
A special message to congress by Lyndon Baines Johnson, from March 16, 1964, proposing a nationwide war on the sources of poverty.
Sargent Shriver: War on Poverty
An explanation of Sargent Shriver's direction of the War on Poverty of 1964.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Social Studies: Grade 3: Poverty Point
This instructional task contains a set of primary and authentic source documents about Poverty Point settlements in and around North Louisiana.
Read Works
Read Works: A Rally Against Poverty
[Free Registration/Login Required] This passage describes a world-wide social movement called "Make Poverty History," an idea that Nelson Mandela helped promote at an international meeting. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece...
Almanac of Policy Issues: Poverty
This site from the Alamanac of Policy Issues provides a general look at poverty in the U.S. based on 1998 figures (the latest available). A good reference for federal poverty threshold figures.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook: The War on Poverty
At this site from Fordham University you can read Lyndon B. Johnson's "Proposal for A Nationwide War On The Sources of Poverty," which was originally relayed to Congress in March of 1964. Read about the "five basic opportunities" Johnson...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Poverty in America [Pdf]
Discover the numbers behind poverty in America in the 1950s. Read about those who were in poverty, where they lived, and find out if things have improved over the decades. [pdf]
Excerpt From "Progress and Poverty"
Take a look at this excerpt, published by the Henry George Institute, of George's "Progress and Poverty". Includes author's photo & other clip art.
Library of Congress
Loc: America's Story: Indians in Louisiana: The Poverty Point Site
Archaic Period Indians built impressive mound structures. Find out out the huge earthworks built at Poverty Point in Louisiana.
Museum of the City of San Francisco
Upton Sinclair: End Poverty in California: The Epic Movement
Upton Sinclair outlines how he would end poverty in his failed campaign for the governorship of California in a 1934 article for Literary Digest.
Pbs Teachers: Global Women & Poverty (Lesson in Women's Economic Hardships)
A instructional activity that investigates how women in Senegal and Thailand are affected by poverty. Students examine what causes some countries to prosper and others to suffer from poverty. They also create and present graphic...
Nccp: Who Are America's Poor Children? [Pdf]
Learn the basic facts regarding children in American who are living at poverty levels or below. The numbers of children in poverty appear to be increasing to almost 13 million. The sheet identifies which ethnic groups have the most...
Extensive data, including an annual report that looks at the state of children's well-being in the United States. It examines such issues as family environment, health care, poverty, welfare and how the government is reacting overall to...
Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (Cafod)
CAFOD helps the impoverished by promoting long-term development, emergency response, and educating the public about poverty. CAFOD also speaks out on behalf of the poor and promots social justice.
Global Citizen Corps
This youth organization is committed to fighting global poverty. The site requires registration in order to access the tools it provides for young people wanting to make a difference. But there is plenty of information on issues such as...
Royal Canadian Geographical Society
Canadian Geographic: A Developing World
CIDA, in partnership with Canadian Geographic, have created a resource which allows students to investigate the quality of life in over 200 countries by examining various Human Development Index indicators. Students may search by...
Global Communities: Partners for Good
The fight against worldwide poverty is the main goal of Global Communities (formerly CHF International). See fact sheets, pictures, videos, and more resources about their programs.
Freedom From Hunger
Freedom from Hunger is a non-profit, nongovernmental organization that helps to fight chronic hunger and poverty.
Care: Virtual Field Trips Archive: Guatemala
Take a virtual field trip to Guatemala along with eight high school students from Atlanta and Chicago as they work with Guatemalan families to fight poverty.
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