Oxfam: India
An international aid agency to eradicate poverty presents information on its efforts in India as well as general facts and information about the people and geography of India.
Oxfam: Sudan
Sudanese geography, history, environment, people and society as well as the work that Oxfam is doing in Sudan is described in this informative page from the international aid agency that fights poverty globally.
Oxfam: United Kingdom
Geography, history, environment, people and society in the United Kingdom, as well as the work that Oxfam is doing in the region are described here in the webpage of the international aid agency that fights poverty globally.
Oxfam: Afghanistan
Resource presents information about their efforts to rid Afghanistan of poverty and an overview of facts and history on the central Asian nation.
Oxfam: Bosnia
Resource presents an overview of aid efforts to combat poverty in Bosnia as well as general information on history, geography, people, society, the environment and more.
Read Works
Read Works: Crisis in Africa
[Free Registration/Login Required] This nonfiction passage discusses the problems related to poverty, disease, and war in Africa. This passage reinforces essential reading comprehension skills. Opportunities for vocabulary acquisition...
Care: Virtual Field Trips Archive; Guatemala Ii
Accompany a group of CARE youth ambassadors to Guatemala; learn about Guatemala, Mayan culture and CARE projects that this group was able to work on in the fight against poverty.
British Library
British Library: Great Expectations: Discovering Literature Resources
Explore resources related to Great Expectations that include videos and articles on themes such as class mobility, poverty, crime and punishment.[PDF]
Digital Public Library of America
Dpla: Feeding the Hungry With Food Stamp Programs
This collection uses primary sources to explore the Food Stamp Program started in 1939 to assist those living below poverty levels. Set includes an overview, primary sources, links to related resources, and a teaching guide.
Bbc News: Week of 3 11 13: The Children Going Hungry in America
This article about child hunger in the United States features the story of two young children in Iowa who often do not have enough to eat. The article includes a link to charity that helps those in need of food and a brief video. [1:59]
Ima World Health
This is the homepage of the IMA World Health, whose mission is to provide essential products and services for emergency, health and development programs of interest to members, which serve people in need without regard to ethnicity,...
Cmmb: Catholic Medical Mission Board
Non-profit organization focused on the healthcare of people around the globe. Find resources about CMMB, its history, current programs, etc.
Concern Usa: Worldwide
"Non-denominational, voluntary organization committed to the relief, assistance and advancement of peoples in need in less developed areas of the world."
Ird: International Relief and Development
IRD's mission is to provide tools and resources to impoverished countries to reduce their suffering and to increase their self-sufficiency.
Children's Hunger Relief Fund
Non-profit organization dedicated to feeding the impoverished and hungry children across the globe.
Global Health Council
World's largest alliance for improving global health. Non-profit organization.
Fcf: Family Care Foundation
Family Care Foundation (FCF) works to improve the quality of life for children and families by providing humanitarian services, support, relief, and development to developing countries.
United Way International
A global network of non-profit organization that assists people in need in 45 countries.
Church World Service
Church World Service is the relief, development, and refugee assistance organization that works worldwide to meet human needs and foster self-reliance.
Care: Virtual Field Trips Archive: Nepal
Learn about the Himalayan country of Nepal and about ongoing humanitarian projects of the organization CARE in the country.
Care: Virtual Field Trips Archive; Madagascar
The humanitarian organization CARE presents an informative piece on Madagascar with information about the organizations aid efforts in the African island nation, in this virtual field trip.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Why Some Countries Are Poor and Others Rich
The School of Life helps to explain why some countries prosper and others stagnate.
Care: Virtual Field Trips Archive; Haiti
Learn about the Caribbean island nation of Haiti and ongoing humanitarian aid projects in the country being carried out by the CARE organization.
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