Pete's Power Point Station
For many people, Microsoft PowerPoint is the default for presentation software. This site presents a very large collection of PowerPoint presentations in almost all subjects and for most school grades.
World of Teaching: White Blood Corpuscles (Power Point)
This is an excellent PowerPoint presentation, with lots of graphics, on white blood cells. It clearly explains the different types of white blood cells and how they are formed.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Ap Physics 1 Power Point Slides: Instructor
This is a collection of PowerPoint Slide Shows to be used in the instruction of AP Physics 1 course.
TES Global
Tes: Shakespeare: Othello in Context: Power Point Lesson Resource
[Free Registration/Login Required] This PowerPoint presentation provides basic information about William Shakespeare, the Globe Theater, and the tragic play Othello. It explains the major characters in the play and their motivations and...
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Presentations: Adjectives and Adverbs Power Point
A PowerPoint slide show introducing the types of questions one might see about adjectives and adverbs on a standardized test.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Presentations: Capitalization Power Point
A PowerPoint slide reviewing the rules of capitalization and showing how capitalization questions might look on a standardized test.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Presentations: Coordination and Subordination Power Point
A PowerPoint slide explaining the use of coordinate and subordinate conjunctions to join clauses. Questions that may be found on standardized tests are included.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Presentations: Degree Power Point
A PowerPoint slide explaining when to use the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. Questions that may be found on standardized tests are included.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Parallel Structure Power Point
Learn about parallel structure and correcting mistakes in parallelism. Practice with parallel structure questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Pronoun Case Power Point
Learn about pronoun-antecedent agreement, and practice with pronoun agreement questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Pronoun Reference Power Point
Learn about vague pronoun references and practice identifying them in questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Pronoun Shift Power Point
Learn about using pronouns consistently and practice identifying them in questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Standard Punctuation Power Point
Learn about using end marks, commas, semicolons, and apostrophes correctly. Practice identifying correct usage in questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Spelling Power Point
Learn about spelling rules and commonly misspelled words. Practice identifying correct spelling in questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Subject Verb Agreement Power Point
Learn about subject-verb agreement and practice identifying correct agreement in questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Tense Shift Power Point
Learn about using consistent verb tenses and practice identifying tense shifts in questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Verb Forms Power Point
Learn about regular and irregular verbs and practice identifying correct verb usage in questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Appropriate Words or Expressions in Context Power Point
Learn about using context clues to find the most appropriate word choice in a specific context. Practice identifying correct word choices in questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Tom Richey
Tom Richey: Power Point: Ancient Mesopotamia
PowerPoint presentation by Tom Richey provides a 52 slide lecture on Mesopotamia.
Tom Richey
Tom Richey: Power Point: Hammurabi's Code
PowerPoint slideshow from Tom Richey on ancient Mesopotamia and Hammurabi's Code.
Tom Richey
Tom Richey: Power Point: Religion in Ancient Egypt
History teacher, Tom Richey presents information on ancient Egypt in this 72 page PowerPoint presentation. Includes maps, illustration, and informational text.
Tom Richey
Tom Richey: Power Point: The Conquest of Canaan
PowerPoint presentation with 42 slides detailing the Conquest of Canaan.
Tom Richey
Tom Richey: Power Point: The Persian Empire
Tom Richey's PowerPoint presentation on the Persian Empire includes a comprehensive overview of ancient Persia with maps, informational text, and humor.
Tom Richey
Tom Richey: Power Point: Minoan and Mycenaean Greece
PowerPoint presentation by History teacher, Tom Richey, explains the history of the Minoans and Mycenaeans in ancient Greece.
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