English Club
English Club: Basic Tenses: Regular Verbs
Notes and examples of verb tense including past, present, future, past participle, present participle, simple, continuous, perfect, and continuous perfect.
English Club
English Club: What Is Tense?
Notes and examples of verb tense including past, present, future, progressive, and perfective.
English Club
English Club: Basic Tenses
Notes and examples of verb tense including past, present, future, active, passive, normal, intensive, continuous, perfect, and continuous perfect.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Choosing a Past Tense: Lesson 4
This lesson discusses how to determine which past tense verb to use in a given situation. It is 4 of 4 in the series titled "Choosing a Past Tense."
Class Flow: Verb Tense Practice
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson is a translation assessment to determine students' understanding of the present, imperfect and perfect tenses.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Future Time a Survey
Examples of simple present, simple future, future perfect, present continuous, future continuous, to be going to, future perfect continuous, and some added notes.
Spanish Flashcards
This selection of flashcards for Spanish grammar and vocabulary--often with scoring and self-correcting capabilities--are correlated to commonly used Spanish textbooks such as "Ven Conmigo" and "En Espanol." Includes many other features...
Using english.com: English Grammar Quizzes & Worksheets
A nice treasure trove of printable grammar worksheets organized by proficiency level: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Emphasis is on parts of speech but you'll also find some that focus on common spelling issues and vocabulary...
Vocabulary Training Exercises
This site contains multiple vocabulary tests of 100 words each that drill word sets from animals to words of the soul. It also contains grammar quizzes and a personalized test generator.
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture
Colby College provides a large collection of exercises on adjectives, adverbs, numbers, prepositions, clauses, study modules, and more.
Kryss Tal: Grammar: Introduction to Grammar
This site provides a very good overview of grammar components. Grammar examples and links are provided.