Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Conditional Tenses Exercise 2
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on using the correct verb tenses for each sentence. It is suitable for ESL as well as regular English classes.
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: The Past Participle
View pictures and answer the questions relating to the picture in either the present perfect tense or using the past participle as an adjective. Click the "?" if you are uncertain about an answer.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Helping and Modal Auxiliary Verbs
A helping and modal auxiliary verb site from the Capital Community College. Use this site as a reference tool when learning about modal auxiliary verbs.
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: The Present Perfect Tense
Review examples and then complete three online exercises dealing with the present perfect tense. English translations are provided for some of the examples. The first exercise provides verb infinitives as cues for the present perfect...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Sequence of Tenses
This Purdue University tutorial covers active and passive voices through simple examples.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Verb Tenses
This slideshow lesson focuses on 12 verb tenses by providing background and examples of each. The 12 verb tenses are as follows: present, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past, past continuous, past...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Intro to Verb Tense
Choose the appropriate verb tense by asking yourself: 'Does this sentence take place in the past, the present, or the future?'
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Managing Time With Tense and Aspect
Using what you've already learned about tense and aspect, use your time wizardry to make sense of these sentences.
Pbs Learning Media: Using the Present Progressive Tense
Present progressives describe an action in progress, or something that started in the past and is still happening. It is formed with the helping "to be" verb in the present tense and the present participle of the verb. [0:42]
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Verb Tenses
This video is a lesson on all 12 verb tenses using graphic organizers.
Pbs Learning Media: Using the Correct Verb Tense
Verb tense is used to show when an action occurs, whether it is in the past, the present, or the future. [0:56]
Learning Alive: Papel De Mujeres De Hoy en Matrimonio
Practice conjugating verbs in this article on the role of women in modern marriage. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the designated tense: present, present subjunctive, future, preterite, imperfect, or a gerund....
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Changing "Now" Words to "Then" Words
This interdisciplinary lesson teaches first graders to use the inflectional ending -ed to create past tense verbs from present tense verbs. As children learn to use the -ed pattern, they change familiar root words into longer words to...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: How Many Verb Tenses Are There in English?
How many different verb tenses are there in a language like English? At first, the answer seems obvious- there's past, present, and future. Anna Ananichuk explains how thanks to something called grammatical aspect, each of those time...
Learning Alive: Violencia Domestica
Practice conjugating verbs with this article on domestic violence. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the designated tense: imperfect subjunctive, preterite, or imperfect. Answers may be checked at the end of the...
City University of New York
City University of New York: E Recource Center: Grammar Tutorials: Verb Tense
The tutorial contains five exercises addressing correct use of verb tenses. Each exercise contains an explanation of the grammar concept and then an opportunity for students to practice. Students can download pdf of each explanation. The...
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Verbs and Verbals
This resource is a grammar primer page that focuses on verbs and verbals. It provides information and practice for verb tenses, verb forms, active and passive voice, and much more. L.9-10.4b Patterns/word changes, L.11-12.4b...
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammar: Verbs: The 12 Basic English Tenses
Information about verb tenses and links to additional information about present, past, and future tenses.
Pbs Learning Media: How to Use Perfect Verb Tenses
The three perfect verb tenses show actions that have already been completed. [0:47]
Class Flow: Past and Present
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explains the difference between past and present and includes a sorting exercise, video content, and assessment.
Isabel's Esl Site: Past Simple Tense
The English past simple is presented clearly, with examples and exercises. ESL students could use this site on their own. Some guidance in Spanish.
Class Flow: Verb Tense
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart revises work on verbs and investigates verb tense: (past, present and future); compare sentences from narrative and information texts, e.g. narrative in past tense, explanations in...
English Worksheets Land
English Worksheets Land: Progressive Verb Tenses: Past / Present / Future [Pdf]
Practice writing progressive tense verbs by filling in the blanks in these sentences with the appropriate progressive tense verb listed on this learning exercise.
Class Flow: Verb Tense
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will use verb tenses with increasing accuracy in speaking and writing. Students will use past tense consistently for narration, and will recognize and use the term 'verb' appropriately.
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