English for Everyone
English for Everyone: Sentence Completion 9 (Low Beginning Level) [Pdf]
English for Everyone provides a printable quiz to assess the recall of basic present tense verbs that are needed in beginning English.
English for Everyone
English for Everyone: Sentence Completion 10 (Low Beginning Level) [Pdf]
English for Everyone provides a printable quiz to assess the recall of basic present tense verbs that are needed in beginning English.
Esl Verbs: Present Simple Affirmative
Troublesome verb forms using the present simple affirmative for ESL speakers/writers. Examples of the incorrect use of the verb along with corrected form.
Isabel's Esl Site: Present Simple Tense
Present simple, explained, with examples and exercises. Clear and easy to follow. ESL students could work on this site alone. Some guidance in Spanish.
Isabel's Esl Site: Present Continuous Tense
Focus on the present continuous tense, with explanations, examples, exercises, and comparisons to other forms. Some guidance in Spanish.
Isabel's Esl Site: Past Simple Tense
The English past simple is presented clearly, with examples and exercises. ESL students could use this site on their own. Some guidance in Spanish.
Isabel's Esl Site: Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Man introduces this tense which needs a lot of practice.
Esl Blue(s): Grammar/double Quiz/simple Present
An interactive "double quiz" over the simple present forms of verbs and trivia questions. Answers and hints are provided.
Adele's Esl Corner: Past Tense Regular Verbs
Change the verbs to past tense in each of the ten sentences in this exercise.
Esl Verbs: Present Progressive Forms
Examples, common mistakes are discussed at this ESL website. Some basic information that gives the student a good starting point.
Esl Verbs: Present Simple Questions
This site has examples of some common mistakes when forming questions using the present simple verb tense. The correct form is given along with some of the more common errors.
Esl Verbs: Present Simple Negative
Examples of some troublesome verb forms using the present simple negative.
English for Everyone
English for Everyone: Sentence Completion 16 (Low Beginning Level) [Pdf]
English for Everyone provides a printable quiz to assess the recall of basic verb tenses that are needed in beginning English.
English for Everyone
English for Everyone: Sentence Completion 19 (Low Beginning Level) [Pdf]
English for Everyone provides a printable quiz to assess the recall of basic verb tenses that are needed in beginning English.
English for Everyone
English for Everyone: Sentence Completion 11 (Low Beginning Level) [Pdf]
English for Everyone provides a printable quiz to assess the recall of basic present progressive tense verbs that are needed in beginning English.
English for Everyone
English for Everyone: Sentence Completion 15 (Low Beginning Level) [Pdf]
English for Everyone provides a printable quiz to assess the recall of basic verb tenses that are needed in beginning English.
English for Everyone
English for Everyone: Sentence Completion 12 (Low Beginning Level) [Pdf]
English for Everyone provides a printable quiz to assess the recall of basic present progressive tense verbs that are needed in beginning English.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Robots (Reading Comprehension Exercise)
A reading comprehension exercise designed for Spanish-speaking ELLs about the present and future use of robots. Instructions are in Spanish; exercise is in English.
Using english.com: English Grammar Quizzes & Worksheets
A nice treasure trove of printable grammar worksheets organized by proficiency level: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Emphasis is on parts of speech but you'll also find some that focus on common spelling issues and vocabulary...
Read Write Think: When I Was Young In, a Literature to Language Experience
Past meets present in this lesson in which learners practice verb tense when they write personal short stories that they then publish in a flip book.
Abcteach: Grammar
[Free Registration/Login Required] Every grammar teacher will love finding this site filled with ready-made activity worksheets to practice basic grammar skills. Some include compound sentences, prepositions of location (with pictures),...
English for Everyone
English for Everyone: Sentence Completion 2: Level 2 [Pdf]
English for Everyone provides a printable quiz to assess the application of the present progressive verb tense, a topic covered in Level 2 English. Singular and plural subjects are included in the sentences.
English for Everyone
English for Everyone: Sentence Completion 1: Level 2 [Pdf]
English for Everyone provides a printable quiz to assess the application of the present progressive verb tense, a topic covered in Level 2 English.