Curated OER
New York Times: Times Topics: George W. Bush
The New York Times chronicles the presidency of George W. Bush through news articles, video, timelines, etc. An excellent and comprehensive source of resources and information.
Curated OER
New York Times: Times Topics: George W. Bush
The New York Times chronicles the presidency of George W. Bush through news articles, video, timelines, etc. An excellent and comprehensive source of resources and information.
Ducksters: Biography of President George Bush for Kids
Learn about George Bush (H.W.) who was the 41st president of the United States on this site.
Curated OER
George Bush Senior (L) With George W Bush (R)
BBC News profiles President George W. Bush during his 2004 bid for reelection.
Curated OER
New York Times: Election 2004, George W. Bush
The New York Times's coverage of President George W. Bush in the 2004 election. Content includes recent news stories, a look at Bush's stand on numerous issues, campaign multimedia, and more.
Curated OER
George W Bush
BBC News profiles President George W. Bush during his 2004 bid for reelection.
Curated OER
Tony Blair With George W Bush
BBC News profiles President George W. Bush during his 2004 bid for reelection.
Curated OER
George W Bush During His Time in the Texas Air National Guard
BBC News profiles President George W. Bush during his 2004 bid for reelection.
Curated OER
George W Bush at Yale
BBC News profiles President George W. Bush during his 2004 bid for reelection.
Curated OER
George W Bush's First Inauguration in January 2001
BBC News profiles President George W. Bush during his 2004 bid for reelection.
Yale University
Inaugural Address of George Bush
This site is the text of George H. W. Bush's 1989 Inaugural Address.
Curated OER
Wikipedia: George W. Bush
This open-source encyclopedia article from Wikipedia offers an in-depth profile of George W. Bush. Content includes information on his personal life and education, his political career and business ventures before becoming President of...
National Tax Services: Hr1836 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act
The Congress passed and President Bush signed this tax cut bill, titled "Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001." It caused a great deal of controversy. Learn about this law and read the debate that took place in the...
Curated OER
President George W. Bush, Accompanied by First Lady Laura Bush
Coverage from NPR on the Republican Convention from many different angles as well as the entire Bush acceptance speech.
US Government Publishing Office
Ben's Guide to u.s. Government: u.s. Presidents (6 8)
From George Washington to George W. Bush, here are the names of all the Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States, as well as term dates and their party affiliations.
Fact Monster
Fact Monster: Inaugural Addresses of u.s. Presidents
From George Washington to George W. Bush, find the Inaugural Addresses of all U.S. Presidents in this complete file.
Siteseen: American Historama: Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp
Detailed facts and an overview of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp established in January 2002 by President George W. Bush to house Muslim militants and suspected Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: The Presidency and the Cold War: Franklin Roosevelt
This extensive site from the National Portrait Gallery explores presidential actions in relation to the Cold War from the Yalta Conference to the presidency of George H.W. Bush. Click on Franklin Roosevelt to find out about the decisions...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: The Tech: Questions About Bush's Iran Contra Role
This article from the Los Angeles Times discusses President George H.W. Bush's involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal and implications for the 1992 presidential election.
Curated OER
Presidential Election
Ambitious coverage of the 2004 elections, including George W. Bush winning re-election over John Kerry. Find links to a number of news articles, election results, profiles of candidates, electoral maps, and much more. Very thorough...
American Presidency Project
American Presidency Project: Election of 1988
Online resource that provides detailed data for the presidential election of 1988 won by Republican candidate, George Bush.
Curated OER
New York Times: Election 2004, George W. Bush
The New York Times's coverage of President George W. Bush in the 2004 election. Content includes recent news stories, a look at Bush's stand on numerous issues, campaign multimedia, and more.
Curated OER
Karl Rove and George W Bush
President George W. Bush states that he supports White House aide Karl Rove who is at the center of the Valerie Plame CIA leak scandal. The case of jailed journalist Judith Miller is also chronicled. Plame affair timeline and links to...
Curated OER
Wikipedia: George W. Bush
This open-source encyclopedia article from Wikipedia offers an in-depth profile of George W. Bush. Content includes information on his personal life and education, his political career and business ventures before becoming President of...