Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Effective Interview Techniques
The lesson will begin with a lecture on the importance of effective interview techniques. A technology-based project will be assigned for students to use the Internet to gather information and then create either a slideshow presentation,...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Dream Vacation
This unit teaches learners to plan a trip with an itinerary, remain within a budget, and work cooperatively. It is a technology-based project that combines a study of mathematics, economics, geography, and social studies.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Pass It Down
This lesson, Pass It Down, integrates science and math into two consecutive hands-on genetics activities that should be embedded within an existing genetics unit suitable for biology students. The results of each activity will be...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Can You Curl Your Tongue?
This lesson is adapted from a Connected Mathematics Unit, How Likely is It? This investigation introduces biology as a source of applications for probability. In this lesson, Curling your Tongue, learners determine how many students in...