Bbc History: World Wars: World War Two
Website encompasses every aspect of World War II with particular emphasis on British roles and viewpoints. Resources include a range of audio, visual, and interactive media. Content coverage highlights include the war at sea, the air...
University of North Carolina
Nc Civic Education Consortium: Decoding World War Ii Propaganda [Pdf]
In this lesson, learners will define propaganda and study the various types of propaganda techniques. After viewing an assortment of World War II propaganda across different mediums, young scholars will create a piece of World War II...
Michigan State University
Michigan State University: Japanese and American Propaganda During World War Ii
This site from Michigan State University is an interesting article analyzing the propaganda war between the U.S. and Japan during World War II. Also has cartoons that were used.
Peel Heritage Complex: Images of War
Images of War is an exhibit about war posters and propaganda. Many of the posters came from the private collection of Ivan Melhuish who worked at Canada Packers in Toronto during World War II.
Stanford University
Stanford History Education Group: Nazi Propaganda
[Free Registration/Login Required] Take a look at propaganda used to gain approval of the annexation of Austria to Germany during World War II through this lesson plan and presentation.
Canadian War Museum: Democracy at War: Canadian Newspapers and the 2nd World War
Canada's role in the Second World War is demonstrated in this exhibit through articles which appeared in newspapers throughout the country. Included are sections on Canada and the War, operations, and the Holocaust. It provides a...
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Loose Lips Sink Ships
This site discusses article discusses the rules of conduct regarding disclosure of personal and military information that may have compromised military efforts during World War II.
Smithsonian Institution
Nat'l Portrait Gallery: Ballyhoo! Poster as Portraiture: Victory Begins at Home!
A poster featuring Admiral "Bull" Halsey in an industrial incentive poster, urging workers to do their part for victory in World War II.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: The American Homefront
See how the people at home stepped up to support the war effort in World War II.
Open Stax: Post War Prosperity, Cold War Fears 1945 1960: Challenges of Peacetime
Examines the challenges of demobilization after World War II, how Harry Truman addressed them, and how the government responded to the needs of war veterans.
Ithaca College: Project Look Sharp: Soviet History Through Posters
[Free Registration/Login Required] Multi-unit curriculum kit on the history of the Soviet Union told in five episodes using Soviet posters as source material. Coverage includes the birth of the Soviet Union, Stalin, the Great Patriotic...
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Price of Freedom: "I Want You" Poster
View the iconic "I Want You" poster, versions of which were used to recruit forces for the U.S. armed services during both world wars. Also view the poster in context, with other posters and broadsides used to send Americans to war.
The War: Save Waste Fats for Explosives
At the online companion site of the PBS documentary series "THE WAR," view a poster from WWII aiming at recycling fat for ammunition.
Library of Congress
Loc: On the Homefront: America During Ww I and Ww Ii
Using primary source documents from the Library of Congress, learn about volunteer work, civil defense, conservation efforts, economic initiatives, and patriotic support on the homefront in both World War I and World War II.
US Holocaust Memorial Museum
U.s. Holocaust Memorial Museum: Nazi Propaganda
Article about the Nazis' systematic use of propaganda as a way of controlling the ideas of the German people prior to, and throughout World War II. Propaganda was primarily created against Jews, Communists, and any groups which were not...
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Produce for Victory
View how American citizens helped to keep World War II in the home front through these posters on exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum of American History.
The War: Save Waste Paper
At the online companion site of the PBS documentary series "THE WAR," view a poster from WWII encouraging recycling materials at home.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: An I Pod Inspired Writing Lesson: Boogie Woogie With a B
Using a famous World War II propaganda song, students will explore alliteration by changing the lyrics to create a new version of the song. After discussing what alliteration is and why this particular song was used and enjoyed by the...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Learning Lab: Wwii on the Home Front: Civic Responsibility
Smithsonian Education presents a lesson covering the WWII's propaganda program which enforced the ideals of Civic Responsibility. Provides eight pages of poster examples, detailed background over the time period, and the goals of the...
Ibis Communications
Eyewitness to History: Tokyo Rose
Students investigate ?Tokyo Rose? the name given by American GIs to nearly a dozen women of American descent who broadcasted propaganda for the Japanese during World War II. The resource consists of an audio clip of Tokyo Rose broadcasts...
Calvin College: Nazi and East German Propaganda
This collection of visual and printed propaganda material from 1933 to 1989 centers around the rise of the Nazi Party, World War II from the Nazi perspective, and East German Communism.
Curated OER
Image From the Ending of World War One
Website encompasses every aspect of World War II with particular emphasis on British roles and viewpoints. Resources include a range of audio, visual, and interactive media. Content coverage highlights include the war at sea, the air...
Curated OER
Image From World War Two: The Battle of El Alamein
Website encompasses every aspect of World War II with particular emphasis on British roles and viewpoints. Resources include a range of audio, visual, and interactive media. Content coverage highlights include the war at sea, the air...
The War: Plant a Victory Garden
At the online companion site of the PBS documentary series "THE WAR," view a poster from WWII that calls on citizens to help lessen the demand for store-bought food by planting a garden.