Sophia Learning
Sophia: Speaking in Class
This tutorial focuses on tips to alleviate the fear of public speaking. It offers a YouTube video, "How to Speak in Public," which provides 15 steps to good public speaking; this is followed by an extensive list of tips to prepare for...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: How Do Fears Change With Age?
Although some of us may not like to admit it, everyone's afraid of something. Big dogs, thunderstorms, public speaking, heights: what are you most afraid of? Do you think grown-ups have the same fears as kids? The goal of this project is...
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Boundless Communications: Managing Anxiety
This lesson focuses on tools to overcome a fear of public speaking caused by two types of anxiety, situational anxiety (stage fright) and trait anxiety.
Other Overcoming Stage Fright
This site provides a question/answer format on how to over come stage fright.
About Stage Fright
This author, Ake Lundeberg, suggests that negative pressure plays a large role in stage fright.