Mineralogical Society of America: Mineral Identification Key: Mineral Properties
Scientists classify minerals based on a set of physical properties. Each of these properties is described in detail.
University of California
Ucla: Irene Joliot Curie (1897 1956 )
Site includes the titles of publications authored by nuclear physicist Irene Joliot-Curie, as well as her complete resume.
Vision Learning
Visionlearning: Earth Science: Minerals Ii: Properties
Instructional module focusing on the physical properties of minerals. Discussion includes the identifying characteristics such as color, hardness, luster, crystal forms, density, and cleavage. Site also includes an interactive practice...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Radiation Types
Given illustrations, diagrams, or descriptions, students will identify alpha, beta, or gamma radiation.
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: Irene Joliot Curie Biographical
This site from The Nobel Foundation includes the speech that was given by Irene Curie in accepting the Nobel prize.
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: Ernest Rutherford Biographical
A complete biography on the life of Ernest Rutherford, 1908 winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Details his education and his many scientific researches. Also contains a listing of his awards and achievements and has some...
Chem4 Kids: Isotopes
This overview of isotopes explores where isotopes come from and returning an atom to its normal state.
Chem4 Kids: Atoms
This site provides a detailed overview of atoms. Content explores an atom's structure, as well as what ions are, how atoms bond, what compounds are (including how to name compounds), and what isotopes are.
Images Si Inc: Geiger Counter
An image of a Geiger Counter and definitions of the types of rays a counter can detect, alpha, beta and gamma. Includes inventor and date of invention. Continue on "Next," page for even more info.
Nova: Atom Builder
Find out if you know enough about atoms to build them. The goal of the activity is to build an atom of a particular element by dragging the correct numbers of neutrons, protons and electrons into the atom.
University of Waikato: Science Learning Hub: Absolute Dating
Explains what absolute dating is as compared to relative dating and how they can work together. The characteristics of several different radiometric methods are compared. Includes three short videos and an interactive where students...
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley Lab: The Nucleus Wall Chart
Use this chart to learn everything there is to know regarding a nucleus.
Wikipedia: Marie Curie
This site, which happens to be in Spanish, probes into the life and works of Marie Curie. Discover her accomplishments and how they impacted society.
The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident and It's Ramifications
An excellent series of reference papers on the worst nuclear accident we have had. Maps and a photo gallery are also provided.
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: Henri Becquerel Nobel Lecture
This site from the Nobel eMuseum of the Nobel Foundation provides a series of links to information on Antoine Henri. Everything from the presentation speech for the Nobel Prize to his biography, the lecture, and other resources.
Walter Fendt
Walter Fendt: Apps Zur Physik
This site, in German, offers numerous apps that illustrate common physics principles. Apps are organized into categories: mechanics, oscillations and waves, electrodynamics, optics, thermodynamics, the theory of relativity, physics of...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Selection of Radionuclides for Radiopharmaceuticals
This is a five-question quiz pertaining to the passage "Selection of Radionuclides for Radiopharmaceuticals.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Half Life Lab
This activity explains how students use a CBL2 and TI-83 or TI-84 calculator to collect and calculate the half-life of a barium isotope. Students can use an isogenerator to milk out a meta stable isotope of Barium with a short half-life....
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Low Level Nuclear Waste: A Geographic Analysis
For this lesson, students will learn what nuclear waste is and how to analyze the problems surrounding it. They will compare and contrast low- and high-level nuclear waste, and make decisions concerning how to dispose of low-level...
Atomic Archive
Atomic Archive: Example Scenario: New York Example
From the Atomic Archive - the online companion to the award-winning CD-ROM. This page (and the several that follow from it) paint a picture of the events which would occur if an H-bomb was dropped pon New York City. The effect of the...
Chemical Elements: Plutonium
A nice, clear site, containing a good deal of elemental information, including; atomic weight, density, boiling point, isotopes and more. An image shows the electron energy levels for the element.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Inventor of the Week: Willard Libby Carbon Dating
Use this site to learn about radiocarbon dating and the scientist who discovered it, Willard Libby (1908-1980 CE).
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: The Nucleus and Isotopes
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] In this lesson, students learn about the particles in an atomic nucleus, isotopes, and nuclear forces.
World Health Organization
World Health Organization: Health Effects of the Chernobyl Accident
A fact sheet on the Chernobyl accident: how many were exposed, where they were, the relocation efforts, amount of radiation received, and health problems associated with the accident.
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