Central Washington University: Costume History
Focuses on the history of costumes and fashion from Egyptian times to the 1990s. Thumbnail links may no longer work as this is an older site. However, the 'Fads in Fashion Slides' page has many large images organized by time periods....
Birmingham Museums Trust (UK)
Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery: Changing Times: The Tudors
Learn all about the Tudor period with this reference page! Understand the clothing, homes, religion, transportation, and much more that existed between 1485 and 1603 in England and Wales.
Elizabethan.org: Life in Elizabethan England
A site with many links to information about all aspects of life in Elizabethan England, including food, games, religion, occupations, London, fashion, children, pastimes, names, education, and maps.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Langston Hughes
This resource focuses on the works of famous African-American author, Langston Hughes.