University of Wisconsin Green Bay: Faults and Earthquakes
This site is primarily set up as an outline and is loaded with graphs, maps, and images. It covers a variety of earthquake-related topics, such as what causes earthquakes, fault lines and structures, seismology, a historical look at...
Shake Proof Science: Engineering Earthquake Safe Structures [Pdf]
Lesson covering earthquake basics and designing structures that can withstand earthquakes. Learners are tasked with building earthquake-proof structures using marshmallows, spaghetti, and the option of bamboo skewers. These are then...
Teachers.net Lesson: Natural Disaster Bloom's Taxonomy
Here is a lengthy activity for student to work on while learning about floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes. Students will enjoy researching these disasters and applying what they have learned to a project.
University at Buffalo
University at Buffalo: Mceer: Earthquake Engineering to Extreme Events
Information from the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research guided toward enhancing the ability of communities to survive and rebuild after an earthquake. Includes current news and conferences, and information about...
Weather Wiz Kids
Weather Wiz Kids: Earthquakes
Fun FAQs on earthquakes, their causes earthquakes, the Richter scale, and earthquake safety tips. Site includes videos, animations, and links to related material. Excellent for student exploration. (Click on "Earthquakes" on left hand...
Dromore National School: Earthquake Project Questions
Read the questions students most often ask about earthquakes and read the answers.
Ceri: Earthquake Facts and Follies
A list of frequently asked questions about earthquakes. This is a good source for earthquake trivia and separating fact from fiction.
Teach Engineering: Earthquakes Living Lab: Epicenters and Magnitudes
Students learn how engineers characterize earthquakes through seismic data. Acting as engineers, they use real-world seismograph data to locate earthquake epicenters via triangulation and determine earthquake magnitudes.
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