International Lake Environment Committee Foundation: Lake Biwa (Japan)
See a map of Lake Biwa, and a brief description of the biggest lake in Japan.
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Oceans and Seas: Gulf of St. Lawrence
Detailed information about the hydrology and the geography of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Discusses water quality, aquatic species, and some of the ecoregions that surround the St. Lawrence Seaway, including lowlands and forests....
InterKnowledge Corp.
Geographica.com: Adventure in Argentina
This site from Geographica.com contains information on a variety of parks in Argentina. A description of each follows the name of the park.
Franco Cavazzi
Roman empire.net: Roman Italy Map
This site from Roman-Empire.net is an interactive map of Roman Italy. Areas, Regions, Tribes, Towns, Cities, Rivers, Lakes, and Mountains can be searched for with pull-down menus.
Map of Canada
Basic map of Canada. Includes major cities, coastlines, major lakes and rivers, and bays.
InterKnowledge Corp.
Inter Knowledge Corp: Ghana
InterKnowledge Corp provides basic facts about the location, geography, climate, history and culture of the country Ghana.
InterKnowledge Corp.
Inter Knowledge Corp: Zimbabwe
InterKnowledge Corp provides basic facts about the location, geography, climate, history and culture of the country Zimbabwe.
Monroe County Women's Disability Network: Maps & Globes: Water Forms
This site is provided for by the Monroe County Women's Disability Network. Some basic information about water on our planet and the various water forms that make up three-quarters of the earth's surface. Includes some simple quizzes to...
US Geological Survey
U.s. Geological Survey
The U.S. Geological Survey reports on the latest news affecting the earth today, as well as providing a wealth of data, reports, and information.