The Discovery of Uranus
Take a trip back in time to the Age of Enlightenment. A video lesson describes the sequence of events leading to the discovery of the planet Uranus. Previously, Uranus was considered a faint star, then a comet, and finally correctly...
Crash Course Kids
Gas Giants Weather
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune make up the outer planets. How extreme is the weather on these planets? This is the focus of a video that explains how the gas giants have "crazy storms," strong winds, methane rain, and very cold...
SciShow Kids
Explore the Solar System: The Gas Giants
Take a trip to space's gas giants, also known as the outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—with an interesting video equipped with a spirited host, a cartoon sidekick, and bright, colorful graphics.
3 of the Strangest Moons in the Solar System
Explore characteristics of three moons that have traits all their own! An episode of a solar system video playlist explores three moons of the solar system: Miranda, Iapetus, and Hyperion. These moons of Uranus and Saturn vary in their...
Crash Course Kids
Seeing Stars
What are all those shiny things we see in the sky at night? It could be a star, planet, or asteroid! This is the focus of a video that helps viewers distinguish between these three objects in the sky.
SciShow Kids
Let's Make the Solar System
Get crafty with the help of pictures and a real-time demonstration from a video that details the step-by-step process in creating a paper solar system.
The Sun and Planets
Do other planets experience night, day, and the seasons like humans do here on Earth? Examine planetary motion using real images of the planets through a simulation from PBS's Space lesson series. After observing the motion of each...
Crash Course
Crash Course Kids 43.2: Gas Giants Weather
In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina takes leads a virtual tour of the Gas Giants and shows what kind of weather happens on those planets. [4:42]
Sci Show Kids: Explore the Solar System: The Gas Giants
Take a tour of the gas giants and learn important facts about these planets. Understand that Jupiter has a giant storm called Great Red Spot, Saturn has the biggest and brightest rings, how Uranus spins on its side, and Neptune's storms...
Nasa: Galleries: Video: What Is a Planet?
Explanation of the characteristics an object must have to be considered a planet. [7:53]
#Ask Mit: Why Are Gas Giants Round?
Find out professor Anna Frebel's answer to the question, "How come our gas giants stay in a sphere, instead of the gas just floating around everywhere in space?" [3:29]