Crescent Public Schools
The Internet Science Room: Naming Chemical Formulas
Students can use this chemistry tutorial to help them understand how to name chemical formulas.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Naming Chemical Compounds
Learn about naming chemical compounds in chemistry including conventions, the order of the elements, metals, non-metals, acids, and examples on naming on this site.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Chemistry: Chemical Formulas and Equations
In this interactive module, students are introduced to the most fundamental part of chemistry: chemical reactions and the formulas that accompany them.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Polyatomic Ions
How to name ionic compounds containing common polyatomic ions.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Rolling, Rolling, Rolling
This activity allows learners to review their knowledge of monatomic and polyatomic ions. After rolling the ion dice, the students will write the correct chemical formula and name for the compound "rolled".This lesson plan was created as...