The Death of the Universe
We have all heard about the Big Bang and other theories about how the universe began, but how will it end? Cosmologists study dark matter and dark energy to try to figure out the answer to this mind-blowing question. This topic is a...
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
The Making of the Fittest: Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies
How did the stickleback fish, which was once ocean bound, evolve to be able to persist in freshwater lakes? Hear from the scientists who identified the genes and related switches that allowed these survivors to adapt. In addition to the...
Be Smart
The Physics of Space Battles
Ready to take your class on a journey through space and witness epic battles? A video segment portrays the true way space battles happen, complete with the way Hollywood handles the lack of gravity, even while firing missiles at the...
This Particle Breaks Time Symmetry
CPT theory is the basis for much of physics, but what happens when researchers disprove the theory piece by piece? Explore the idea with a video about the Nobel Prize-winning breakthroughs that shifted the entire way scientists...
What's Happening to Honey Bees?
Worker bees used to disappear at a rate of around 5 percent per year; then in 2006 that number jumped to 30 percent, and, by 2013, it was as high as 50 percent. The video focuses on what is happening to the honey bees. It considers...
Physics Girl
The Unusual Formation of the Hawaiian Islands
How are the Hawaiian Islands different from other island chains? Discover the surprising geologic history of Hawaii with a video from a cool physics playlist. The narrator takes a hike with some geologists and discusses mantle plume...
Be Smart
Einstein Is (Almost) Always Right: Gravitational Waves Edition
Facilitate learning as never before with the first video in a series dealing with physics concepts for your science class. Learners visualize Einstein's field equations and the effect of massive objects in passing light before they...
Be Smart
How to See Time Travel!!!
Are you ready to take your learners on a time travel exploration? The short video segment uncovers the nuances of time travel and the scientific theories behind this sometimes misunderstood activity. Learners conclude with a discussion...
Be Smart
Why Does Time Go Forward?
Has your class ever wondered why time always progresses in a forward direction and why we cannot travel backward? Learners view this short video segment to explore the concept of entropy and its relevance to time in relation to their...
Why Do Whales Sing?
Although little is know about why whales sing, researchers are developing theories that explain how whales are able to vocalize. Viewers get a short course in whale song and even get to listen to recordings of the haunting melodies...
Can We Really Touch Anything?
When we touch something, what actually happens? Young physicists get in depth with electrons in a video from Veritasium. The narrator first explains the intricate interactions that occur at the subatomic level before answering a variety...
Empty Space is NOT Empty
Visualize the vastness of an atom. The video, part of the Veritasium playlist, discusses the amount of empty space within an atom. The presentation describes the theory of quarks and how that empty space is not empty after all. Using a...
GPB Television
Chemistry 102: The Metric System
Although this lesson is directed at a chemistry class, all laboratory classes require the use of metric measurement. Here is a half-hour video introduction to measurement systems and a thorough teaching about the base-ten metric system...
The 2,400-Year Search for the Atom
From ancient Greek philosophers to early American Quakers, people have sought to understand the composition of matter for millennia. Follow along with this video as it explores the long scientific journey that eventually led to the...
Stated Clearly
What is the Evidence for Evolution?
Would you believe whales and hippos share a common ancestor? The video discusses the evidence from a variety of scientific disciplines supporting evolution, focusing specifically on whales and their connections to hippos. The narrator...
Does Time Exist?
The simple question What time is it? may not be so simple after all. Learn about the history of measuring time and the debate on if time even exists with a short video that considers both classical physics and quantum physics when...
What Makes Things Cool?
Who decides what's cool and what's not? A short video examines Raymond Loewy's universal theory of cool, the MAYA theory that suggests that ideas that are the Most Advanced Yet Acceptable (MAYA) are perceived as cool. Viewers learn how...
How to Understand the Image of a Black Hole
What is a black hole? Individuals hear a detailed explanation about what a black hole is, how it forms, and how it effects light and matter. The characteristics of a black hole determine the image it produces in telescopes, and...
Einstein's Proof of E=mc²
You see it everywhere — t-shirts, coffee mugs, posters ... but why was Einstein's most famous equation such a turning point in our understanding of the relationship between matter and energy? The short video demonstrates the math...
Will the Universe Expand Forever?
Scientists from Newton to Friedmann debated the future of the universe. Many scientists thought the universe might collapse on itself in a big crunch, but new mathematical models finally gave us an official answer. The Space Time video,...
Physics Girl
The Physics of Weightless Flight
Ever wonder what it's like to feel weightless? Hop aboard the Vomit Comet and find out! A video from a large physics playlist features the parabolic airplane flight used to simulate weightlessness. Young physicists discover how the...
Higgs Boson Part III: How to Discover a Particle
If you already know that something exists, do you really discover it when you see it for the first time? The final installment in a three-part series of short videos about the Higgs boson differentiates between true discovery and...
Can a Black Hole Be Destroyed?
The destructive power of black holes is enough to give any astrophysicist nightmares. No wonder the question arises as to whether a black hole can be destroyed. The narrator of a theoretical video explores the possibilities.
The Beginning of the Universe, For Beginners
Cosmology is the study of how our universe evolves. The big bang theory is introduced as the beginning of everything we know. Particle physicists attempt to simulate early universe conditions and apply the results to a time when all of...