Bierbaum Elementary School
Practicing Patience
As teachers, we have a lot of patience. Our scholars, on the other hand, may need some support. Give your pupils the emotional intelligence instruction they desire with a instructional activity designed to teach patience through grand...
Annenberg Foundation
Colonial Designs
The adventures of the New World came at a cost for Native Americans. Scholars investigate the economic side of settling the European colonies. Using video clips, statistical evidence, and primary sources, they create hypotheses and...
New South Wales of Education and Communities
Looking Out for Each Other
As a culmination of a unit on personal safety, class members develop mnemonics to help them remember ways they can offer practical and emotional support to others. In addition, they are asked to apply what they have...
Animation: Studio Logo
Logos just make a club seem more fun. Scholars incorporate knowledge from previous lessons in the unit to write a computer program in the Scratch block-based language. Their program should help design a logo for the CS First studio. A...
Curated OER
Paragraph Structure
Make sure your writers have the buns and the meat in their paragraph burgers with paragraph exercises. The resource gradually leads up to individuals writing their own paragraphs, starting with identification exercises, moving on to...
Nemours KidsHealth
Food Allergies: Grades 3-5
In a creative writing and health assignment, your pupils will write a letter on behalf of an immune system to apologize for causing a food allergy, while also identifying what food allergies are and what types of foods can cause them.
Florida Center for Reading Research
Phonological Awareness: Phoneme Isolating, The Last Sound Is...
Partners work with real objects as they practice final phonemes. Here's how it works: Partner A silently chooses an object and sounds it out, determining the final phoneme and saying the sound aloud. Partner B examines the group of...
Florida Center for Reading Research
Phonological Awareness: Phoneme Matching, Sound Bags
Peers pair up to find, identify and match medial phonemes. Peer one pulls a card or object from a bag, names it, then says its medial sound.—peer two attempts to find a picture or object whose medial sound matches the partner.
Good Karma Applications, Inc
First Then Visual Schedule
Here is an app especially designed for care providers of children with autism or other developmental delays that will help them build customized picture schedules to help support the behavioral needs of their students.
Asian Art Museum
Experience Chanoyu: A Japanese Tea Gathering
As part of the study of Japanese cultural history, introduce your class members to Chanoyu, the Way of Tea. After a discussion of the history and key elements of Chanoyu, class groups perform the ceremony.
The Origins of Civilization and Agriculture: Integrating the Study of Food
What role has food played in the rise and changing nature of civilizations? Here you'll find a fantastic set of lessons and materials on such topics as where food is grown in the United States, the food of ancient peoples,...
Curated OER
Bringing Household Items to Life
Use folk tales as inspiration for learning about and using personification in creative writing. Learners brainstorm together in order to practice personification before writing their own poems or paragraphs about a household object.
Association of American Geographers
Project GeoSTART
Investigate the fascinating, yet terrifying phenomenon of hurricanes from the safety of your classroom using this earth science unit. Focusing on developing young scientists' spacial thinking skills, these lessons engage...
Nemours KidsHealth
Bones, Muscles, and Joints
What is the hip bone connected to? Learn about body parts and the human skeleton with a game of Simon Says, skeleton puzzle, and five question quiz.
Nemours KidsHealth
Food Labels: Grades 3-5
Bring awareness to the ingredients scholars ingest daily with two lessons that look deeply into food labels. The first lesson explores the difference between processed and fresh foods while the second lesson focuses on sugar content.
Female Olympians Lesson Plan
For every strong and determined female Olympian, there are millions of young girls watching and becoming inspired. Middle and high schoolers learn more about record-breaking and history-making Olympian women with a presentation from the...
California Education Partners
It is difficult to articulate how growing up feels as accurately and beautifully as Sandra Cisneros does in her short story "Eleven." After seventh graders read the story and note the author's use of figurative language, they respond to...
Nemours KidsHealth
Drugs: Grades 9-12
What do drugs do to the body and to the mind? What are the dangers of using drugs? How can teens respond to the pressure to use drugs? After reading a series of articles related to drug use and abuse, class members prepare a skit to...
National Council of Teachers of English
Writing Poetry with Rebus and Rhyme
Young scholars write rhyming poems using rebus. With pictures instead of words, authors create original work about things they love.
University of Oklahoma
Developing My Resources
Learners with special needs create Summary of Performance (SOP), a written document which describes their disability, its impact on their daily life, ways they have learned to compensate, their personal strengths, and their goals. The...
Nemours KidsHealth
How can breakfast help you to avoid feeling sluggish and distracted throughout the day? After reading informational articles, learners will discuss how to overcome obstacles to eating breakfast, brainstorm ideas for quick breakfasts, and...
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Section Two: Why is Biodiversity Important?
Explore soil, genetic traits, natural resources, and pollution in a series of lessons that focus on biodiversity. Kids complete experiments to learn more about the importance of varied genes and organisms in an ecosystem.
California Academy of Science
What Kind of Geologist Am I?
Transform your class into young geologists as they learn about six different branches of geology. Using the included geology career descriptions and picture cards, learners work in small groups deciding which tools and locations fit...
Pala Software
How do you spell great? G-R-E-A-T! Ensure that your pupils can spell great and so much more with this effective app.