Department of Defense
Do Dea: Spanish 2: Unit 1: La Rutina Diaria
In this first unit of an intermediate Spanish course, students learn about the history of Spain and how to talk about their daily routine. Vocabulary includes reflexive verbs, bath items, schedules, the simple future tense, and clothing....
University of Chicago
University of Chicago: French Verb Conjugator
Quick and easy conjugator from the University of Chicago - type in the verb and see the conjugation - user can choose from the 6 common tenses: Present(default), Simple Past, Future, Conditional, Imperfect, Subjunctive. Must input...
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: Future Tense and Its Types
Learn about future tense and its types.
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas: Francais Interactif
This full-featured interactive textbook encounter utilizes French speakers in real life scenarios. Well structured for work on grammatical concepts (links to Tex's French Grammar), vocabulary, listening comprehension and exposure to...