Florida State University Cpalms: Florida Students: Center Stage: Models of the Solar System
An explanation of two very different perspectives of the solar system.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Scaling Down the Solar System
In this lesson students will work collaboratively to gain a better understanding of the vastness of space by scaling down the solar system. This lesson plan was created as a result of the Girls Engaged in Math and Science University,...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Plix: Gravity in the Solar System
[Free Registration/Login Required] Test your knowledge of Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation with an animation and a short quiz.
Harvard University
Harvard University: Eye on the Sky, Feet on the Ground
An ebook filled with information and classroom activities covering several astrological topics such as the Earth's rotation and the solar system. Many tips and teaching tools are available to aid in discovering what the sky has to offer.
Scholastic: Study Jams! Science: Our Solar System: The Universe
A video and a short multiple-choice quiz on the Universe and what it is made up of.
University of Leicester: Sun
Provides a brief overview of the Sun, including a focus on solar eclipses, solar wind, and solar sailing.
Utah State Office of Education
Utah State Office of Education: How Did the Universe and Solar System Develop?
Explore this unit to learn how the universe began. Through illustrations, videos, and classroom activities, gain an understanding of how stars help with the formation of elements.
Harvard University
Harvard University: The Solar System
These hands-on activities are a great way for students to gain perspective on the relative sizes and distances of each planet, the relationship between the sun and Earth, and much more.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Activity: Scale of the Universe on a String
This activity will help your students comprehend the huge scales of time and space by using familiar objects. You can explore the massive distances of our Solar System using scale models made out of string. Included is a scale model of...
University of Cambridge: Astro Adventure
Imagine a time when you can travel through space, planet to planet, cheaply and in comfort, when you can take a trip to the stars as your next holiday. Well, imagine no more. Learn more about the solar system as you take this trip of a...
Astro Mia: Tierra, Sistema Solar Y Universo
This site is a good resource to study Astronomy. It has six sessions: the Universe, the solar system, the earth and the moon, history of Astronomy, articles, famous astrologers and a glossary.
University of Maryland
University of Maryland: The Astronomy Workshop
Find tools to calculate astronomical distances and sizes, to view various Solar System models, to compare gravity's affect on weight, and more. A good place to find interesting facts, simple animations, and astronomy links to physics and...
Montana State University: How Much Would You Weigh on Distant Planets?
This resource contains a lesson plan in which students study the effects of gravity on the planets of the Solar System. They will view movies from the lunar Apollo missions, calculate their own weight on other planets, and propose what...
University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas Mc Donald Observatory: Jupiter
Discover interesting facts about Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system.
University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas Mc Donald Observatory: Saturn
Discover interesting facts about Saturn, the second-largest planet in the Solar System.
University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas Mc Donald Observatory: Rock Cycle
This activity combines the concept of Earth's rock cycle with the characteristics of other planets in the solar system.
University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas Mc Donald Observatory: Asteroids
Discover interesting facts about asteroids, large chunks of rock that were leftover from the formation of the solar system.
Rice University
Galileo Project: The Copernican System
This site from The Galileo Project of Rice University contains information relating to Copernicus's sun-centered solar system theory. Pictures are provided throughout this article along with links to additional information.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Is There a Center of the Universe?
It's been a long road to the discovery that Earth is not the center of the Solar System, the Milky Way, or the universe; great thinkers from Aristotle to Bruno have grappled with it for millennia. But if we aren't at the center of the...
Natural History Museum
Natural History Museum: Our Place in the Universe
Part of a larger online exhibit on the moon and space, this site deals with one's place in the universe. The topics covered include the sun and solar system, the galaxy, and the universe.
American Scientist: Author Interview: Neil De Grasse Tyson
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson has made "Popularizing science a personal passion." Tyson's latest book, Origins, is the starting point here for a discussion of dark matter, intelligent life in our solar system, the possibility of...
Nasa: Star Child: Elementary Astronomy Unit
Learn everything you can about outer space with this interactive astronomy unit. 2 levels of difficulty with modules on the solar system, the universe, other "space stuff" and a glossary of terms. Links for parents and other great website.
Other A Grain of Sand Covers 10,000 Galaxies
A fascinating look at how big our solar system really is. Shows how we can only see a tiny bit of our vast universe.
Nasa Star Child: Star Child
StarChild from NASA defines and describes the Solar System in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. The website is broken down into two versions for the student, grade school and junior high.