Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Carnegie Museum: North South East West: American Indians and the Natural World
Web companion site to the Alcoa Foundation Hall of American Indians exhibit at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. It focuses on American Indians' relationships with the natural world and explores four different visions: the Tlingit...
Black Past
Black Past: Denmark Vesey Conspiracy
The short encyclopedia article recounts the slave uprising instigated by Denmark Vesey in South Carolina in 1822.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Free (?) African Americans
Not all African-Americans were slaves in the South. Some were freed by their owners, others escaped, but none had the same rights as free whites. Read about their restrictions that were put into law. Find out about the church...
Digital History
Digital History:the Great Migration
The Great Migration for African Americans began during World War I as blacks left the segregated south to find jobs in the north. Read about how segregation followed them into their northern neighborhoods. See also how the Harlem...
Digital History
Digital History: The African American as Sharecropper [Pdf]
After reading about the system of sharecropping or tenant farming for the African American in the South, look at poverty statistics for African Americans vs. whites between 1960 and 1990. Is there a corelation between the sharecropping...
Digital History
Digital History: Slavery in a Capitalist World
Read about the discontinued use of slave labor in the Western world in the first half of the 19th century in all but five countries in the Western Hemisphere, most notably, the American South. See why Southern politicians and slave...
Postbellum African American Society and Culture: Black Migration
From the Encyclopedia of American Social History. Read about the black migration to the West, primarily Kansas and Oklahoma after the end of Reconstruction and the institution of black codes in the South.
Digital History
Digital History: The American Revolution and Slavery
Read about the plans for using slaves in both the British and Continental armies during the Revolutionary War. See why some of the plans were scuttled and how the end of the war affected blacks who fought and those who remained in the...
Black Past
Black Past: Berea College
In this brief encyclopedia article, you will read about Berea College, the first fully integrated college in the South.
Nations Online Project
Nations Online: American Samoa
Offers a country profile and travel guide to American Samoa, background overview, and numerous links to comprehensive information on the nation's culture, history, geography, economy, environment, tourism, population, news, government,...
Digital History
Digital History: Nixon and Vietnam
This site discusses the American involvement in the Vietnam War would officially come to an end during Nixon's second term in office. As part of his election campaign in 1968, Nixon pledged to bring "Peace with honor," and an end to...
Black Past
Black Past: Carver, George Washington
This brief encyclopedia biography about George Washington Carver tells about his interest and research in agriculture, especially in the South.
Black Past
Black Past: Mound Bayou
This interesting encyclopedia article recounts the self-segregated community of Mound Bayou, Mississippi, which was founded as a place for blacks to find economic opportunity at a time of extreme racial violence in the South.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: States' Rights
Gives a history of states' rights from the beginning of the U.S. Constitution. Scroll down to "Secession and the Confederate Constitution" to read about the South's interpretation of states' rights just prior to the Civil War. From...
Volunteer Voices
Volunteer Voices: Martin Luther King, Jr./battle of Black Americans in Tn [Pdf]
This lesson is being built on the prior knowledge and discussion of discrimination of black Americans in the South. This lesson will focus on Martin Luther King Jr.'s visits to Memphis in support of their efforts and his public appearances.
Bogota Colombia South America
Comprehensive reference tool that allows the reader to learn about the history of Bogota while discovering places to visit, sites of interest, maps, parks, lodging and dining, and much more.