Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Galileo Project Information
This is the homepage of all of the archived information about and from the Galileo Mission. Included is data from the flybys of Venus, Earth, Moon, and Asteroids Gaspra and Ida, as well as the current data from Jupiter and its moons. See...
The Space Race
Although the space race was originally a competition between two Cold War foes,it ultimately resulted in many benefits for the people of the Earth. Find information on the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo, and Soviet space programs,...
Orpheus Books
Q Files: Technology: Space Transport
The story of space exploration is told from the first successful rocket built in 1926 to space probes and the International Space Station.
Nasa Star Child: Infrared Astronomy Satellite (Iras) (Level 2)
A brief description of Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) project and its discoveries. Complete with graphics, links to a glossary of terms, and a printable version of the page.
Nasa: Probing Earth Through the Clouds
This site from the National Aeornautics and Space Administration provides a fun activity for the subject. "Clouds often hide large areas of the Earth's surface. We can use radar to make detailed maps of Earth right through clouds or...
Cosmos 4 kids
Cosmos4 Exploration
Space can be explored in many different ways. Read about space exploration and click on the topics on the right margin to find out how man finds out about his universe.
Cosmos 4 kids
Cosmos4 Kids: Beyond Earth's Orbit
Learn about the different satellites that are probing the solar system on the website. Also included is a video that explores Astrobiology.
Nasa: Cassini Huygens Mission
NASA site surveys the satellite Cassini's mission to Saturn as well as the ejection of the Huygens probe.
Nasa Star Child: International Ultraviolet Explorer (Level 2)
This site provides a description of the International Ultraviolet Explorer and what it accomplished. Glossary, graphics and a printable version are also included.
Nasa Star Child: Dark Matter (Level 1)
This site provides a description of "dark matter" and how scientist study it.
Nasa Star Child: Star Child
StarChild from NASA defines and describes the Solar System in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. The website is broken down into two versions for the student, grade school and junior high.
Nasa Star Child: The Blue Planet (Level 2)
A good general introduction to planet Neptune for students. Has many links to more detailed information about the planet throughout the page, as well as special links for interesting facts. Also features a printable version of the page.
Nasa: The Galileo Mission
This site from NASA has information on the Galileo space mission, which launched in October 1989. In spite of technical problems, Galileo transmitted enormous amounts of new data, especially about Jupiter and its satellites and rings,...
Nasa Star Child: Chandra X Ray Observatory (Level 2)
A description of the missions of Chandra. There is also an audio song. Glossary, graphics and printable version of page included.
Nasa Star Child: The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (Cgro) (Level 2)
A short description of the CGRO and its mission. Printable version available. Includes graphics and vocabulary words are linked to a glossary of terms.
Nasa Jpl: Galileo Legacy Site
This site from NASA provides a detailed overview for the Galileo mission to Jupiter. Content ranges from the mission description to Jupiter images to educational resources.