Languages Online
Languages Online: Time Phrases and Verbs
Good exercise for practicing time phrases and verb conjugations! A true test of a student's comprehension of time and tenses. Matching, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and crossword exercises provide excellent practice with gerunds,...
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Preterite and Imperfect (Part 1)
Great exercise for practicing the preterite and imperfect tenses. Choose the correct form of a verb to complete sentences that tell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Immediate feedback corrects the answer and gives the reason...
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Preterite and Imperfect (Part 2)
Great exercise for practicing the preterite and imperfect tenses. Provide the correct form of verb infinitives that complete the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Immediate feedback corrects the answer. Correlates to another...
Study Languages
Study Spanish: Preterite vs Imperfect Review
Comprehensive review of the preterite and imperfect past tenses. Includes regular, irregular, and stem-changing conjugations. Rules for usage and time expressions in Spanish are listed. A quiz at the end of the lesson tests the student's...
Spaleon: Imperfect Tense
A great tool to practice verb conjugations in the imperfect tense. The student may choose the type of verb (regular, irregular, etc.) that needs to be drilled. As each answer is entered, the student receives immediate feedback on the...
Study Languages
Study Spanish: Imperfect Part Iii
This site is an online lesson on uses of the imperfect tense, contrasted to contradictory uses in the preterite. English and Spanish examples simplify the explanation. A quiz at the end of the lesson tests the student's mastery of this...
Study Languages
Study Spanish: Imperfect Part I
Excellent introductory lesson to the regular conjugations of the imperfect tense and the main rules that govern its usage. Examples in Spanish and English illustrate specific rules. A quiz at the end of the lesson tests the student's...
Language Guide
Language Guide: Imperfect
Learn the correct formation of the imperfect for regular and irregular verbs and practice conjugating them by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page. Audio files provide opportunity for learners to hear the correct pronunciation...
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Preterite vs Imperfect
A very creative way to practice learning the differences between the preterite and the imperfect tenses. Read three different stories and select the appropriate tense in the story. A brief explanation is given with each answer you select.
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Un Viaje Al Ecuador
Journey into a fascinating adventure to Ecuador in this fun reading exercise where you have to select the preterite or the imperfect tense for the given sentences.
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Subjunctive or Indicative (Part 2)
Fantastic review of subjunctive and indicative tenses. Examine the verb in the main clause. Then provide the correct conjugation of the verb given in the subordinate clause, or keep it unchanged in its infinitive form. Type in the...
Languages Online
Languages Online: Imperfect Subjunctive Ra Ending
This exercise-practice the teaches students how to write imperfect subjunctive endings for regular and irregular Spanish verbs. Immediate feedback is available to check answers. Tutorials in other langauges available from the homepage.
Languages Online
Languages Online: Imperfect Subjunctive Ra Endings
This exercise-practice teaches students how to properly write the imperfect subjunctive endings for regular and irregular Spanish verbs. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the past subjunctive and check your answers when you...
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Si Clauses With the Imperfect
This site from the Colby College provides a great explanation of "if" clauses and the imperfect tense. The exercise provides great practice with the imperfect past. Answers may be checked and corrected.
Study Languages
Study Spanish: Preterite vs Imperfect Part I
This site is an introductory lesson to the preterite and imperfect past tenses. The regular conjugations of each are presented, with brief general rules for their use. This is a great introduction without getting bogged down in all the...
Spanish Flashcards
This selection of flashcards for Spanish grammar and vocabulary--often with scoring and self-correcting capabilities--are correlated to commonly used Spanish textbooks such as "Ven Conmigo" and "En Espanol." Includes many other features...
Indiana University
Juan M. Soto: Reglas Preterite and Imperfect
Concise, but thorough English explanation of the preterite and imperfect tenses in Spanish grammar. Great review for advanced students or teachers who want a quick review. Links are also available to interactive exercises and sheets that...
Study Languages
Study Spanish: Imperfect Part Ii
Great lesson on the three irregular conjugations of the imperfect tense: ser, ir, and ver. A quiz at the end of the lesson tests the student's mastery of these three irregulars.
Languages Online
Languages Online: Ser
Great explanation of how to use the verb "ser". Matching, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and crossword exercises provide practice using "ser" with professions, nationalities, and characteristics. An opportunity to practice...
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture
Colby College provides a large collection of exercises on adjectives, adverbs, numbers, prepositions, clauses, study modules, and more.
Contrasting Past Tenses: Preterite and Imperfect
Contrasts the usage of two past tense Spanish verb forms. This site provides the functions and uses of the preterite and the imperfect. It also provides excellent examples.
Real Fast Spanish: How to Use the Spanish Past Perfect Tense
This article discusses when and how to use the Spanish past perfect verb tense. A past imperfect and past perfect verb conjugations chart for the verb haberand examples of the past perfect verb tenses are included.
Preterit/imperfect: Un Viaje Inolvidable
A concise grammar review of the differences between the preterite and imperfect tenses in Spanish. The grammar review is followed by an interactive practice activity.
Preterito Imperfecto
A detailed look at the conditions of when to use the preterite versus the imperfect. Outstanding explanations, even though some may prove too detailed for many high school students. Excellent examples compare the use of the preterite and...