Discovery Education

Discovery Education: 3 M Young Scientist Lab: Balloon Electroscope

For Students 9th - 10th
Use balloons to make an electroscope and witness the effect of static charges before your very eyes.
Concord Consortium

Concord Consortium: Sticking a Balloon to a Wall

For Students 9th - 10th
A simulation to show how a charged balloon sticks to a neutral wall.
University of Colorado

University of Colorado: Ph Et Interactive Simulations: John Travoltage

For Students 9th - 10th
Make sparks fly with John Travoltage. Explore how charging Johnnie up and moving his hand changes how he gets shocked!
Unit Plan
Concord Consortium

The Concord Consortium: What Are Some Examples of Things That Stick Together and Things That Do Not?

For Students 9th - 10th
In this learning module from The Concord Consortium, students will watch what happens when a Van de Graaff generator is used.
University of St. Andrews (UK)

University of St. Andrews: Charles Augustin De Coulomb

For Students 9th - 10th
A large complete authoritative biography of Coulomb. Five large pictures, over a dozen links to contemporaries, references, a poster, other mathematicians. A fine source.
University of California

University of California Berkeley: Charging an Electroscope by Induction

For Teachers 9th - 10th
From the U.C. Berkeley Physics Lecture Demonstrations website. A thorough description of an activity in which a charged metal plate is used to charge an electroscope by induction. Complete directions and a diagram of the equipment and...
Concord Consortium

The Concord Consortium: Molecular Workbench: Electrostatic Interactions

For Students 9th - 10th
Adjust the amount of positive or negative electrostatic charge on a balloon to see how it interacts with the charges in a wall.

K 3 Learning Pages: Web Resources Thunderstorms

For Students Pre-K - 1st
Check out this comprehensive list of web resources on thunderstorms and safety. Students and teachers will benefit from the links found on this site.
MadSci Network

Mad Scientist Network: Building a Wimshurst Machine

For Students 9th - 10th
Using a question and answer format, this page is a response to a question on how to build and use a Wimshurst machine. Directions and suggestions for building such a device are given. The principle of electrostatic induction which...
Unit Plan
The Franklin Institute

Priestley's Physics Project

For Students 9th - 10th
Learn about Priestley's Electrostatic Machine. There are links that tell about the machine and Priestley himself. There are also resources for teachers and students, including lesson plans and activities.
Lesson Plan
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)

Smile: Electrostatic Models

For Teachers 9th - 10th
A teacher lesson plan which includes several hands-on activities pertaining to static charge, charge interactions, and the induction process. Young scholars use readily available materials to investigate these concepts. Designed for...
Unit Plan
Physics Classroom

The Physics Classroom: Lightning

For Students 9th - 10th
In this interactive tutorial students will explore what is the cause and mechanism associated with lightning strikes, They will investiage how lightning rods serve to protect buildings from the devastating effects of a lightning strikes....