CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Third Grade Science: Physical Science: Static Electricity
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Discusses electric charge and electric force, and identifies ways that electric charge is transferred.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Fourth Grade Science: Physical Science: Static Electric Charge
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Discusses electric charge and electric force, and identifies ways that electric charge is transferred.
Exploratorium: Super Sparker
This is an activity using common household materials that will demonstrate a static electricity discharge.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Physics/electricity & Magnetism
Exploratorium Science Snacks are miniature science exhibits and experiments that can be made with common, inexpensive, easily available materials. These electricity snacks represent a set of devices that you can build and experiment with...
MadSci Network
Msn: Why Do Some People Have Problems With Static ?
From the The Mad Scientist Network website, this page uses a question and answer format to discuss the concept of electrostatic induction. The cause of the common occurrence of an electric shock is explained.
University of Colorado
University of Colorado: Ph Et Interactive Simulations: John Travoltage
See how electrons build up and are discharged as static electricity.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Charge and Carry
This site from The Exploratorium Museum is a full description of a short activity. An electrophorus plate and a Leyden jar are made. The electrophorus is charged by induction. Its charge is transferred to the Leyden jar by conduction...
Pbs Teachers: Nova Science Now Lightning: Lightning Varieties
Compare and contrast different types of lightning bolts. A substantial amount of information is provided here including pictures with descriptions for each type of lightning bolt. NOTE: The interactive is no longer available; Click on...
MadSci Network
Mad Scientist Network: Building a Wimshurst Machine
Using a question and answer format, this page is a response to a question on how to build and use a Wimshurst machine. Directions and suggestions for building such a device are given. The principle of electrostatic induction which...