Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Family and Friends: Extra Support Lessons (Theme 4)
Family and Friends is the theme of a unit offering extra support lessons. Follow each lesson plan's teach, blend, guided practice or practice/apply routine to reinforce concepts such as clusters, responding to reading, drawing...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Problem Solvers: Extra Support Lessons (Theme 4)
When it comes to reading and understanding a text, sometimes readers need extra help. The third and final resource in a series of guides to accompany Theme 4: Problem Solvers provides additional activities to help struggling learners....
Curated OER
Wycinanki and Polish Folktales
Students explore Polish folklore through reading and practicing Wycinanki, the art of paper cutting. They re-tell stories and include visual images demonstrating Wycinanki design.
Curated OER
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Students read a story. In this alphabet instructional activity, students read the story Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, name the letters in the story, and discuss the differences between upper and lower case letters.
Curated OER
The Adjective Toad
Students listen to the story Toad, then the story is reread without any adjectives. The class discusses the importance of details in a story. Then the class creates a collaborative book following the same story pattern.
Curated OER
Second graders investigate self- and teacher-selected literature (e.g., picture books, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, poems, legends) from a variety of cultures. They re-enact and retell stories, songs, poems, plays, and other literary...
Curated OER
Picture Books, Retelling, and Writing
Students create stories using only pictures. For this visual storytelling lesson, students read Pancakes for Breakfast by Tomie de Paola and analyze the wordless story. Students create new text for the book by writing on...
Curated OER
Interpreting Mythology Through Dance
Young scholars use abstract movement to tell the story of Re's journey. In this ancient Egypt lesson, students choreograph locomotor and non-locomotor movements to describe ancient Egyptian journeys to the afterlife as described in...
Curated OER
Looking at Human Struggle Through The Language Arts Curriculum: The Faces of Slavery
Sixth graders examine the use of slavery in the United States. Using a map, they draw the route of the Tecora and Amistad voyages. Individually, they write an essay describing their opinions on whether the Africans on the ships should be...
Curated OER
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Students complete a variety of activities related to the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear." They role-play the animals from the story, read about the book's author Bill Martin, Jr. on his website, discuss the rhythm of the story, and create...
Curated OER
What is the Evidence for Evolution?
Students identify one object that would tell the story of their lives. In groups, they determine what can and cannot be told from objects left behind. After watching a video, they compare and contrast chicken bones to human bones. To...
Curated OER
"Postcard From Bear"
Students complete various activities related to the book "Postcard From Bear." They participate in a shared reading activity, identify the locations in the book on a map, and write a postcard to the bear in the story.
Curated OER
Using Effective, Evocative Writing as a Model
Learners analyze the author's style to learn techniques for strengthening their own writing. They re-read "Music in the Fields" and highlight images that create vivid pictures in their minds-places where Young "shows, not tells" and...
Curated OER
Men in Black: Activity Worksheets
In this set of activity worksheets for the story, Men In Black, students complete a total of 23 questions: short answer, word order, matching and true/false. Worksheets are followed by a 9 question assessment.
Nemours KidsHealth
Eating Disorders: Grades 3-5
Explore the idea of self-esteem through different mediums. Research what is needed for increased self-esteem: list three things one might do well in, take a photo of an activity where each student is performing well, and examine how the...
Curated OER
Math Maven's Mysteries
In these story problem worksheets, students read the story problem 'The Big Top Carnival Caper' and use the information within the story to help them solve the problem. Students determine the cost of balloons for every 10th person who...
Mobile Education Store
Prepositions can change the meaning of a sentence and children need to know how to use them properly. Here is an app that has been designed with the struggling learner in mind. It uses visual and audio cues to help elementary-aged...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Off to Adventure!: English Language Development Lessons (Theme 1)
Give language skills a boost with a series of ESL lessons in an Off to Adventure! themed unit. Using a speak, listen, move, and look routine, scholars enhance proficiency through grand conversation and skills practice....
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
That’s Amazing!: Extra Support Lessons (Theme 3)
Follow a teach, practice, and apply routine to provide extra support with a themed unit created by Houghton Mifflin. Topics include compound words, noting details, action verbs, suffixes, compare, and contrast, verbs, fantasy,...
Nemours KidsHealth
How can breakfast help you to avoid feeling sluggish and distracted throughout the day? After reading informational articles, learners will discuss how to overcome obstacles to eating breakfast, brainstorm ideas for quick breakfasts, and...
It's Time to Play Seuss-Aphone!
Play a game of telephone, Dr. Seuss style! Kids can use the suggested phrases listed on this page or choose any silly sentence that the famous cat wearing a hat says. See the materials for two more activities.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Journeys: Extra Support Lessons (Theme 1)
Kids who need extra support mastering the concepts in the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt thematic units on journeys, will benefit from the exercises and activities contained in this 40-page resource packet.
Orlando Shakes
The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's Production of "A Christmas Carol": Study Guide
What could be better than a play within a play? A study guide for "The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society's Production of 'A Christmas Carol'" has theater-goers share their thoughts on the comedic...
Curated OER
Storytelling Lesson Plan
Learners examine what storytelling is, and what makes a good storyteller. They read stories from Spooky New England, and choose one to memorize and tell to the entire class. They critique each other's storytelling abilities.