Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Going With the Flow (Map)
Students will practice retelling a story using a flow map. This lesson includes thorough directions, materials, and a video called Bear's Shadow.
Pbs Teachers: Story Writing With Arthur
This series of 12 downloadable activities teach students some basics of story writing, using books or videos from the PBS "Arthur" series as a springboard. Activities include creating story maps, asking questions about characters and...
Reading Quest: Strategies for Reading Comp.: History Frames: Story Maps
This activity will help you teach students chronological order as well as identifying key people and events. Printable worksheets.
Common Core: Curriculum Maps: Tell a Story, 1 2 3 [Pdf]
In this second six-week unit of Kindergarten, students focus on sequence as they enjoy "Counting Books," both fiction and informational, and stories based on "three."
Polk Brothers Foundation Center for Urban Education at DePaul University
Depaul University: Center for Urban Education: Map a Story or a History [Pdf]
This graphic organizer provides a story map. Students can use this visual resource to help them record major plot events from a story or from a historical event.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Story Maps
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides six story-map graphic organizers.
New York Times
New York Times: From Sketch to Screen: "A Very Long Engagement"
Launch an audio slideshow, narrated by the director of the film, about storyboarding sequences in "A Very Long Engagement." An interesting site for considering the work of the storyboard artist, whose sketching technique is wonderfully...
Utah Education Network
Uen: Memories, a Connection to the Past
This lesson engages students in reading comprehension strategies related to Elizabeth Howard's Aunt Flossie's Hats, Mem Fox's Wilford Gordon McDonald Partridge, Bill Martin's Knots On A Counting Rope, and Lucia Gonzales' The Bossy...
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: 10 Graphic Organizers for Download
These graphic organizers will engage students in planning strategies for writing assignments. Students will participate in planning stories and critiques via story maps and critique planning sheets.
Freeology: Free Graphic Organizers
Blank templates of all types of graphic organizers from Venn Diagrams to Vocabulary Sketches are available for free at this resource.
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Chronological Order
The site provides extensive assistance in preparing 4th-grade students for Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. This section focuses on identifying the chronological order.
Class Flow: Graphic Organizers
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a collection of colorful, graphic organizers including cause and effect, Venn diagram, comparison map, web, KWL, problem-solution chart, story web, story map, and sequence chart.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Free Graphic Organizers for Planning and Writing
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides 30+ graphic organizers to aid in planning and writing. Students will be able to write informational pieces and literary responses.