Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Integers Are Rising and Falling Everywhere!
Students will expand from the idea of not only identifying signed numbers but to use them for numerical operations. This lesson plan was created as a result of the Girls Engaged in Math and Science, GEMS Project funded by the Malone...
Doina Popovici
Math Play: Subtracting Integers Math Racing Game
Get practice solving integer subtraction problems with this math racing game.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Arithmetic: Differences of Integers Using a Number Line
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Use a number line to find differences of integers
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Arithmetic: Differences of Integers With Different Signs
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Find the difference of integers with different signs.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Arithmetic: Differences of Integers With the Same Sign
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Find the difference of integers with the same sign.
Math Bugs Me: Add Subtract Integers
This website provides students tips on how to add integers using absolute value and by introducing them to a pattern.
Class Flow: Adding and Subtracting Integers
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart students watch a video on adding and subtracting integers, take notes, then practice with colored chips and a number line.
Class Flow: Adding and Subtracting Integers
[Free Registration/Login Required] The objectives of this flipchart are to show students how to add and subtract with integers and decimals, find absolute value and evaluate expressions.
University of South Florida
Fcat: Human Number Line: Teacher Notes
This activity allows students to physically create a number line and work on adding and subtracting integers. This lesson can be adapted to include other concepts with real numbers.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Arithmetic: Sums of Integers on a Number Line
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] In this lesson students find sums of integers by using a number line. Students examine guided notes, review guided practice, watch instructional videos and attempt...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Arithmetic: Differences of Integers Using a Number Line
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Use a number line to find the differences of integers.
Mr. Martini's Classroom
Mr. Martini's Classroom: Number Line With Negative Integers
Students identify, compare, add, subtract, and multiply integers using a number line.
Numberpower: Integers
Numberpower answers "What are integers?", "What is a positive integer?", and "What is a negative integer?". You will also find integer multiplication, integer addition, and integer subtraction rules, with examples.
Mangahigh: Pinata Fever: Add and Subtract With Negative Numbers
A fast paced game where students add and subtract positive and negative integers quickly so they can smash a pinata. Three levels of play, and instructional help is available as they progress.
Math Game Time: Subtracting Multiple Integers [Pdf]
A worksheet to practice subtracting multiple integers. Answer key provided.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Homework Help Independent Practice: Integer Subtraction
Get independent practice subtracting integers. Each incorrect response gets a text box explanation and another try. Correct responses are confirmed.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Hotmath: Algebra Review: Add and Subtract With Negatives
Find a quick, concise explanation of how to add and subtract with negatives. Step by step examples are included to help you understand how to find the sum or difference when negative numbers are involved.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Adding & Subtracting Negative Numbers
Practice solving addition and subtraction problems with integers (positive and negative numbers). Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Interpreting Negative Number Statements
Practice problems interpreting negative number statements.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Negative Number Addition and Subtraction: Word Problems
Negative number addition and subtraction: word problems
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Ordering Negative Number Expressions
Practice solving challenging negative number addition and subtraction problems. Number line models, variables, and absolute value come together to push your knowledge of negative numbers even deeper (maybe even below zero!). Students...
Organization for Community Networks
Ofcn Lesson Plan: Bean Toss
OFCN lesson to help students understand the concept of adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Gaining or Loosing Yards in Football
This activity will allow students to use the football field as an interactive model for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers. Many students are familiar with the gain or lost of yards in the game of football, however...
Pbs: The Number Line: Rational Numbers and Football
In this interactive, students add and subtract plays on a football field to practice working with negative and positive integers on the number line. Each set of randomized drives consists of seven to nine plays and ends with a touchdown....