Nasa Star Child: A Song for All Seasons
After listening to excerpts from four of the violin concertos from "The Four Seasons" by Italian composer and violinist, Antonio Vivaldi, decide which excerpt was meant to go with which season, and also decide where the earth would be in...
Read Works
Read Works: The Longest and Shortest Days
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about the longest and shortest days of the year in the United States. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Tracking Sunrise and Sunset
Students will collect, record, and graph the sunrise and sunset times to see how they change throughout the year.
Ancient Ohio Trail: Fort Ancient
Although this is a travel site, the information and detail it contains about Fort Ancient is very scholarly. Included are short videos about the area, and several maps.
Class Flow: Earth and Space the Seasons
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explores the relationship between the sun and earth and how the seasons happen. Vocabulary of the equinox, solstice, etc. is included.
Number Nut: Calendar Origins
History and mathematics merge in this lesson that explores the origin of the calendar. Learn how it all got started in this detailed lesson that includes a simple months of the year game and a more challenging time conversion game. Both...
Montana State University: Spring and Fall Equinox
This Montana State University site provides a simple chart on the spring and fall equinox and a description of the process.
Nasa: Image Science Center: Ask the Space Scientist Earth
Site from NASA contains a collection of 91 questions pertaining to the Earth's atmosphere, magnetic field, ionosphere, rotation and origin of life.
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: Reasons for the Seasons
A brief explanation of the Earth's rotation around the Sun and how it relates to the amount of sunlight the Earth receives, and to the seasons. Includes two questions for students to respond to.
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: The Seasons
Learn about the four seasons, when they occur in the northern and southern hemispheres, and why the seasons change as the Earth rotates around the Sun.