Unit Plan
Georgia Department of Education

Ga Virtual Learning: Water, Soil, and Agriculture

For Students 9th - 10th
Students learn about the fundamental importance of water, soil, and agriculture in sustaining the human standard of living; and the heavy toll that current agricultural practices take on water and soil resources.
United Nations

United Nations Sustainable Development Issues

For Students 9th - 10th
United Nations Division for Sustainable Development covers issues ranging from Agriculture to Waste. This site offers documents and action plan implementation for sustainable development of the earth's natural resources.
Unit Plan
Georgia Department of Education

Ga Virtual Learning: Ap Environmental Science: Food Production and Pesticides

For Students 9th - 10th
Through videos, interactive activities, and readings, students explore the future of food production and sustainability of our current agricultural system.

Grace Communications Foundation: The Meatrix

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource offers short animated videos, interactive activities, and a collection of articles and links about the major issues surrounding sustainable agriculture and factory farming. Such topics discussed are pollution, animal...

Seafriends: Soil Sustainability

For Students 9th - 10th
Agricultural land, the land that feeds the world, is in serious difficulty and it is not at all certain that it will be able to produce enough food for the world's population, in perpetuity. Confusion reigns about what sustainability is,...
Unit Plan
CK-12 Foundation

Ck 12: Earth Science: Agriculture and Human Population Growth

For Students 9th - 10th
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] How advances in agriculture have been able to sustain larger human populations.

Allerin: How Green Robots Are Helping With Environmental Sustainability

For Students 9th - 10th
Robots are now being used to fight climate change and protect our green environments. They help to fight forest fires, manage our waste, restore the oceans, support renewable energy initiatives, and make agriculture more-environmentally...

Rainforest Alliance: Smarthouse

For Students 9th - 10th
If you'd like to do your part to help the rainforest, check out this resource. You can find out what common household products are the result of sustainable rainforest farming.

Australian Government: Dept. Of Agriculture: Environment

For Students 9th - 10th
Improving stewardship and sustainable management of Australia's environment including topics such as biodiversity, EPBC Act, Marine, Protection, International Activities, and Partnership.

Australian Acad. Of Science: Food Waste: Preventing Multi Billion Dollar Problem

For Students 9th - 10th
The top priority when it comes to food waste is to avoid generating more. Food waste includes all food intended for human consumption that never reaches us, as well as edible food that consumers throw away. As it rots in landfills, food...
Lesson Plan
Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education, Stevens Institute of Technology

Ciese: Biodynamic Farming: A Systems and Global Engineering Project

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This is an excellent project where students investigate biodynamic farming techniques. They then collaborate with students from around the world to design an aquaponics system for cultivating fish and plants that can be used in an...

Soil Quality: Soil Quality and Soil Health Information for Australia

For Students 9th - 10th
Discover and understand the quality and health of the soil in Australia in an effort to optimize sustainable agriculture. Several calculators are offered to measure various aspects of the soil, such as lime benefit, gravel and bulk...

Linking Environment and Farming: Simply Sustainable Soils [Pdf]

For Students 9th - 10th
With increasing pressure on the world's natural environment and resources it is essential that we develop farming systems that have a low impact on the environment, and are also highly productive in meeting the needs of a growing global...
Unit Plan
Annenberg Foundation

Annenberg Learner: The Habitable Planet: Water Resources

For Students 9th - 10th
Learn about water as a precious resource in danger of being depleted. Understand the roles that overuse and agricultural use play in the sustainability efforts of this essential resource. Includes video. [28:25]
Columbia University

Nasa: Sedac: Land Use and Land Cover Change

For Students 9th - 10th
[Free Registration/Login Required] A collection of twenty-six data sets from SEDAC (Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center) that examine land use and how human activities have impacted on land cover. They look at agriculture, loss of...

The Family Farmer

For Students 3rd - 9th
The Family Farm explores the diverse agricultural pursuits of farm families, and serves as a window into the small-scale food production process that modern day consumers have become estranged from.
Lesson Plan
University of Illinois

University of Illinois Extension: Natural Resources, Environment, and Ecosystems

For Teachers 9th - 10th
A collection of lesson plans for specific age levels to help students gain a better understanding of animals, plants, and people, and how they affect each other in ecosystems. Many of the activities provide discussion questions and...

Camp Silos: Introduction to Farming Today and Tomorrow

For Students 3rd - 5th
Student-friendly site explaining the history of farming. The section on farming today and tomorrow gives viewers the opportunity to see pigs being born. Requires QuickTime plug-in.

The Natural Law Party of the United States of America

For Students 9th - 10th
The homepage of the Natural Law Party of the United States provides its platform, relevant news, and many informational resources.

Union of Concerned Scientists: Science for a Healthy Planet and Safer World

For Students 9th - 10th
The official website for Union of Concerned Scientists provides information on environmental issues and suggestions on actions people can take to curb environmental harm.

Fao: International Year of Natural Fibres 2009

For Students 9th - 10th
An organization aiming to raise awareness of the importance of natural fibers. Plants and animals play an important role in contributing to food security and poverty alleviation worldwide. Find out about how natural fibers provide...

Grace Communications Foundation: Energy Program

For Students 9th - 10th
Promoting responsible energy choices and environmentally conscious government policies, NNEC provides information on energy and agriculture, the nexus of energy and water, complexities of power plants, natural gas fracking, energy...

Mars Society: Oregon Chapter: Controlled Ecological Mouse Support System

For Students 9th - 10th
Explore a model environment which emulates the basic workings of a bio-regenerative system. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate advanced life support systems essential for future Mars self-sustaining environments.
NPR: National Public Radio

Npr: Female Farmers, a Growing Trend in America

For Students 9th - 10th
National Public Radio presents an interesting article on the growing number of U.S. farms managed by women. Meet two women who are doing it, and enjoy links to related stories on women in agriculture.