Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 3 (English Ii Reading)
Doing the exercises in this lesson will help students comprehend the poet's meaning by giving them practice in finding imagery, metaphors, symbolism, and allusions. RL.9-10.9 alllusions to other works.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 3 (English Ii Reading)
Read carefully in order to identify allusion, imagery, metaphor, and symbolism, and evaluate their impact on the meaning of a text.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 2 (English I Reading)
Read carefully in order to identify allusion, imagery, metaphor, and symbolism and to evaluate their impact on the meaning of a text. RL.9-10.9 alllusions to other works.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Literary Text: Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 3
This lesson will help you comprehend the poet's meaning by giving you practice in finding imagery, metaphors, symbolism, and allusions.