Cooking Matters
Exploring Food Together
Teach children what cooking is and how to safely prepare their favorite foods. An innovative cooking resource is packed full of activities that allow young chefs to get their hands on some food and get creative. From...
Curated OER
Parrot in the Oven: Instructional Routine
After reading "The Bullet," a particularly intense chapter in Victor Martinez's Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida, class members listen to the Spanish and the English versions of "Dimelo" by Enrique Iglesias. They then discuss how the...
Curated OER
Dos mapas de Florida, el Caribe y parte de Sur America
What can maps tell us about the past? Find out with a Spanish lesson that incorporates geography. After examining maps individually, comparing two old maps of Spanish Florida and writing notes in the provided Venn diagram, pupils pair up...
The House on Mango Street: Vocabulary Word Squares
Chanclas, muerto, cuando. Spanish words are plentiful in The House on Mango Street and may be unfamiliar to many readers. A vocabulary words squares activity will help kids remember the meaning of these words and add to their...
Twisty Noodle
Las Mascotas (Pets) Book
What animal is that, and can you say it in Spanish? Teach your class eight different animals by asking pupils to put together this cute book that includes images and simple Spanish sentences.
Emergency & Community Health Outreach
Breast Cancer: Prevent, Detect, Treat
Odds are, most of the members of your class know someone who has been affected by breast cancer. Teach them more about prevention through healthy lifestyles, detection with self-testing and mammograms, and the most effective treatments...
Hood River County School District
Text Structure: Features and Organization
Teach learners how to interact with both fiction and non-fiction text with a packet of activities and worksheets. After looking over text structure and the difference in text features between different types of writing,...
San Antonio Independent School District
The Election of 1824
Here is a nice set of worksheets to get you started on teaching your young historians about the "Corrupt Bargain" in the presidential election of 1824, as well as the Tariff of 1828 and the emergence of new political parties.
Curated OER
Counting in Espanol
Students create a mini-book with the Spanish numbers 0-10, then compare and contrast the English numbers to the new Spanish numbers.
Curated OER
Migrating to Texas
Fourth graders explore the migration to Texas from other parts of the United States. Through journal entries they write about the trip as if they were the settlers coming to a new and foreign country. Working in small groups, 4th graders...
Curated OER
Combine history and Spanish instruction with an exploration of descriptions of fines given in Florida in 1790. Partners read the brief text, fill out a graphic organizer about the crimes described, and interview each other about fines....
Curated OER
Use realia (like soccer balls, pictures of soccer players, jerseys, etc.) to interest your young Spanish speakers! Teach them basic sports related vocabulary and encourage choral responses from your youngsters.
Curated OER
Mi Perro Perdido (My Lost Dog)
Pupils receive a map of the school and a set of directions in Spanish for each pair that lead them to a specific place on campus. They use the directions and maps to leads them to pieces of colored paper that have been hidden. Each piece...
Curated OER
Describing People
With a variety of pictures, fourth grade Spanish language learners will review adjectives by describing the appearance of the people in the pictures. You will need to bring in the pictures, and consider creating a word bank of adjectives...
Curated OER
El Presente de Ir
The Spanish verb ir can be used for two separate meanings. Briefly introduce your beginning Spanish speakers to this concept with a few examples. There is no opportunity for practice here, so consider creating a few examples for pupils...
Language Resources UK
Greetings & Alphabet
Teach your class how to meet and greet in Spanish. The presentation prompts language learners to say buenos dias to five classmates and then to exchange names with five classmates. After the conversation activity, pupils learn the...
Curated OER
Explore Fish
Read Animals Called Fish with your young Spanish language learners and talk about the different parts of a fish. After teaching terms like huesos, columna vertebral, aletas, escamas, etc, Learners...
Curated OER
Describe Yourself!
Who are you? Where are you from? Teach young Spanish language learners how to identify themselves and where they're from. They draw a picture of themselves to help develop vocabulary for this activity.
Curated OER
Practica de Pronunciación y Ortografía: ya, ye, yi, yo, yu
Build phonetic skills with your Spanish language learners. Teach them the sounds ya, ye, yi, yo, and yu letter combinations make, and have them complete each word with the syllable combinations given. There are 20 words; make sure to...
Curated OER
Picture Vocabulary
You might have to get creative to work this practice opportunity into your unit in a meaningful way, but the concept is great for young learners. There are five pictures, and learners recall the Spanish word for each item. Consider...
Curated OER
Conditional Tense: regular and irregular verb #2
The conditional tense expresses probability, possibility, and wonder. Teach your class how to conjugate verbs in the conditional tense, and then give them this short practice. There's a sentence provided in English, and then the...
Curated OER
Reflexive Verbs 1
Learning reflexive verbs are definitely necessary to becoming a fluent speaker. After teaching your beginning pupils what they are, give them practice using them. Using this resource, they will read each sentence provided (in Spanish)...
University of Texas
Let's Go to Argentina/¡Vámonos a Argentina!
Give your young Spanish language learners a lesson in culture! Focus on learning Spanish though exploring Argentinian culture. Pupils interact with maps, fill out travel journals, discuss time and food, learn and practice new vocabulary...
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Invite that hungry caterpillar to teach your class about nutrition! After brief instruction on fruit, the teacher reads The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle to the class. Kids hold up the fruit images at appropriate points in the...