Traza Lineas De Los Numeros en Espanol
In Spanish. Printable worksheets in color or black and white for students to practice and trace numbers 0-10. Great for native Spanish speakers students learning Spanish as a second language.
123 Teach Me
123 Teach Me: Spanish Counting
Students will learn the Spanish words for the cardinal numbers from zero to one hundred. Students will also learn when to use un, uno, and una. Audio links are provided to provide correct pronunciations fo the cardinal numbers.
123 Teach Me
123 Teach Me: Sentences
Students will observe and audio-enhanced slideshow presentation that has Spanish sentences. All sentences incorporate numbers.
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: School (La Escuela)
Wonderful site for Spanish speaking ELL. Beginning level has instructions in Spanish and an excellent variety of activities focusing (in this section), on alphabet, numbers, time, classroom vocabulary, school subjects, titles. Auditory...