Siteseen: American Historama: Vietnamization
Learn about Vietnamization, the policy adopted by the Nixon administration to withdraw the United States combat troops in the Vietnam War by turning the fighting over to the Vietnamese.
Nova: Secrets, Lies, and Atomic Spies
The companion site to the show by the same title. Interesting site allows the reader to decipher a coded message. Information on Venona Intercepts and interviews with children of famous spies.
University of Oregon
Mapping History: European History
Interactive and animated maps and timelines of historical events and time periods in European history from Greek and Phoenician colonization up to the 20th century.
Wikipedia: John F. Kennedy
From the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, this biographical account of JFK includes his military service during WWII, the significant events of his political career and presidency including Cabinet and Supreme Court appointments, and...
Bbc News: Soviet Union Timeline
A timeline covering the history of the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1991.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Woodrow Wilson Center: Digital Archive: Nikita Khrushchev Collection
Documents containing the thoughts and opinions of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev. Most are from Russian archives, along with a few Bulgarian and Romanian documents. The collection includes comments on Stalin, the post-Stalin Soviet...
Siteseen: American Historama: Seato
Comprehensive overview details SEATO, the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, that was formed in 1954. It was intended to be the Southeast Asian version of NATO.
Siteseen: American Historama: Sputnik
Detailed information on Sputnik, the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth, launched by the USSR on October 4, 1957.
Siteseen: American Historama: Eisenhower Doctrine
Comprehensive overview details the Eisenhower Doctrine, a 1957 speech made by President Dwight Eisenhower in response to the Suez Crisis.
Siteseen: American Historama: Potsdam Conference
The Potsdam Conference was a wartime summit meeting whose purpose was to clarify and implement the terms for the end of WW2 that had been agreed at the Yalta Conference. It began on July 17, 1945, and ended on August 2, 1945.
Siteseen: American Historama: Salt Treaty
The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) between the United States and the USSR resulted in the SALT Treaty in 1972.
Siteseen: American Historama: Detente
The establishment of detente following the Cuban Missile Crisis was a period of improved relations, cooperation, and an easing of tensions between the two superpowers of the East and the West and a temporary 'thaw' in US-Soviet relations.
Siteseen: American Historama: Containment
The purpose of the United States policy of Containment was to restrict the spread of communism abroad and was strongly associated with the Domino Theory.
Siteseen: American Historama: Berlin Blockade
Learn about the Berlin blockade by the Soviets that closed the entry points to the Western zones of Berlin.
Siteseen: American Historama: Berlin Airlift
The Berlin airlift was a rescue mission by the United States, Great Britain, and other western European nations to keep West Berlin alive despite the Soviet blockade.
Siteseen: American Historama: Mc Carthyism
Learn detailed facts about McCarthyism, the anti-communist 'witch hunts' of Senator Joseph McCarthy (1950 - 1956) consisting of investigations and persecution of alleged communists in America in which accusations of treason or subversion...
Siteseen: American Historama: Iron Curtain
Learn about the "Iron Curtain" that separated the West with the communist countries of the East.
Siteseen: American Historama: Richard Nixon
Facts, biography, and accomplishments of the life of Richard Nixon and summaries of important events during his presidency.
Siteseen: American Historama: Lyndon B Johnson
Facts, biography, and accomplishments of the life of Lyndon Johnson and summaries of important events during his presidency.
Siteseen: American Historama: John F. Kennedy
Facts, biography, and accomplishments of the life of John F. Kennedy and summaries of important events during his presidency.
Siteseen: American Historama: Gerald Ford
Facts, biography, and accomplishments of the life of Gerald Ford and summaries of important events during his presidency.
Siteseen: American Historama: Jimmy Carter
Facts, biography, and accomplishments of the life of Jimmy Carter and summaries of important events during his presidency.
Siteseen: American Historama: Ronald Reagan
Facts, biography, and accomplishments of the life of Ronald Reagan and summaries of important events during his presidency.
Hartford Web Publishing
World History Archives: David Hoffman: The Russian Economy's Big Black Hole
An article about one of Russia's steel mills that has, like many other industries in Russia, fallen on hard times in the new free-market economy.