Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook: Khrushchev's Secret Speech
This site provides some excerpts from a translation of Khrushchev's famous Secret Speech denouncing Stalin policies.
Wyzant: Nikita Khrushchev
Brief overview of Nikita Khrushchev's life and political career. With link to Krushchev's comments on JFK.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Woodrow Wilson Center: Digital Archive: Mass Media and Censorship
This is a small collection of primary source documents discussing propaganda and media control in the Soviet Union. Most documents are from the 1970s and 80s, and they are varied in both type and source. In general, the documents discuss...
Siteseen: American Historama: The Yalta Conference
In February 1945, FDR met with Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin in Yalta to discuss post WW2 plans. This article provides detailed facts and a summary of this historic event.
Industry and the Five Year Plans
This site describes the industrialization plans implemented by Stalin. Examines the success and failures of each and how they were achieved. Information is laid out so that it is easy to access and understand.
Siteseen: American Historama: Great Society
Learn all about The Great Society that was the vision of President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Siteseen: American Historama: Kent State Shooting
Detailed and interesting information pertaining to the four students shot dead at Kent State University by Ohio National Guardsmen on May 4, 1970.
Siteseen: American Historama: Pentagon Papers
The Pentagon Papers, a study of U.S. political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967, were leaked by whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg to the New York Times newspaper in March 1971 revealing that the US government had been...
Siteseen: American Historama: My Lai Massacre
The My Lai Massacre in 1968 saw the mass killing of unarmed South Vietnamese people, most of whom were old men, women, and children, by American troops.
Temperament in Revolution Gorbachev
An excellent article about Gorbachev's appointment, goals, accomplishments, and personality.
Siteseen: American Historama: Fall of the Berlin Wall
Interesting facts and background information on the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, and why the fall of the Berlin Wall was so important.
Siteseen: American Historama: Bay of Pigs Invasion
Provides detailed facts and information about how the CIA-backed Cuban exiles launched a botched invasion at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba.
Siteseen: American Historama: Interstate Highway System
Interesting information, history, and facts on the Interstate Highway System that began a new road culture making travel faster, easier, and safer.
Siteseen: American Historama: Peace Corps
Detailed facts on the Peace Corps, established by John F. Kennedy in 1961 to promote world peace and friendship.
Siteseen: American Historama: Equal Pay Act
Detailed facts on the 1963 Equal Pay Act that established equal pay for equal work among men and women.
Siteseen: American Historama: Civil Rights Act of 1957
Informative article on the Civil Rights Act of 1957 that was intended to protect the right of African Americans to vote.
Siteseen: American Historama: Warsaw Pact
Comprehensive overview details the 1955 Warsaw Pact, signed by the Soviets and its 7 communist 'satellite nations'.
Siteseen: American Historama: Brown vs Board of Education
Comprehensive overview and detailed facts about Brown vs Board of Education, a 1954 Supreme Court case won by NAACP lawyer Thurgood Marshall against school segregation.
Siteseen: American Historama: Khmer Rouge
Comprehensive article discusses the Khmer Rouge (1975-1979) regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia and the SS Mayaguez incident.
Siteseen: American Historama: Taft Hartley Act
Important information and fun facts about the 1947 Taft Hartley Act, a major revision of the 1935 Wagner Act.
Siteseen: American Historama: Watts Riots 1965
In 1965, the Watts Riots broke out in an African American neighborhood in Los Angeles sparked by allegations of police brutality.
Siteseen: American Historama: Freedom Riders
Article provides numerous detailed facts and a summary of the Freedom Riders who boarded their buses in May 1961 to test segregation on interstate buses and bus terminals in the South.
Siteseen: American Historama: Southern Christian Leadership Conference (Sclc)
Detailed facts and a summary on the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) formed as a Civil Rights non-violent protest group in 1957.
Siteseen: American Historama: Nasa Timeline
This interesting NASA timeline provides the dates and facts about the important events and people involved in space exploration in the United States.