Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Past Subjunctive Forms
Completion of these twenty-five clauses provide extensive practice of the past subjunctive tense. Verb infinitives are provided that need to be conjugated in the imperfect subjunctive according to the subject that proceeds it. Answers...
Languages Online
Languages Online: El Efecto De Mal Tiempo
Practice conjugating verbs in the preterite or imperfect tense in the context of weather. After filling in the blanks in this news story, you may check your answers.
Preterit/imperfect: Un Viaje Inolvidable
A concise grammar review of the differences between the preterite and imperfect tenses in Spanish. The grammar review is followed by an interactive practice activity.
Languages Online
Languages Online: The Imperfect Subjunctive
Introduction to conjugating verbs in the imperfect subjunctive. Examples of regular verbs and an irregular verb demonstrate this verb tense in colorful charts. Tutorials in other langauges available from the homepage.
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: El Preterito Y El Imperfecto
This exercise for practicing the preterite and imperfect tenses has you watch a video of a hotel receptionist who describes a frightening experience on the job. Then you complete the story by filling in blanks with preterite and...
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Subjunctive or Indicative (Part 1)
Great practice for reviewing the subjunctive and indicative tenses. Determine which verb tense to use in a sentence based on the tense that is used in the main clause. Choose the present or past subjunctive form, or the present,...
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Un Viaje Al Ecuador
Journey into a fascinating adventure to Ecuador in this fun reading exercise where you have to select the preterite or the imperfect tense for the given sentences.
Indiana University
Juan M. Soto: Reglas Preterite and Imperfect
Concise, but thorough English explanation of the preterite and imperfect tenses in Spanish grammar. Great review for advanced students or teachers who want a quick review. Links are also available to interactive exercises and sheets that...
Languages Online
Languages Online: Ser
Great explanation of how to use the verb "ser". Matching, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and crossword exercises provide practice using "ser" with professions, nationalities, and characteristics. An opportunity to practice...
Preterito Imperfecto
A detailed look at the conditions of when to use the preterite versus the imperfect. Outstanding explanations, even though some may prove too detailed for many high school students. Excellent examples compare the use of the preterite and...
Class Flow: Verb Tense Practice
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson is a translation assessment to determine students' understanding of the present, imperfect and perfect tenses.
Spaleon: The Conjugation Trainer
The Conjugation Trainer helps a student practice drilling different Spanish verb groups and verb forms. The focus is the present tense, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive forms of basic and irregular verbs.
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture: Subjunctive or Indicative (Part 2)
Fantastic review of subjunctive and indicative tenses. Examine the verb in the main clause. Then provide the correct conjugation of the verb given in the subordinate clause, or keep it unchanged in its infinitive form. Type in the...
University of Chicago
University of Chicago: French Verb Conjugator
Quick and easy conjugator from the University of Chicago - type in the verb and see the conjugation - user can choose from the 6 common tenses: Present(default), Simple Past, Future, Conditional, Imperfect, Subjunctive. Must input...
Spanish Flashcards
This selection of flashcards for Spanish grammar and vocabulary--often with scoring and self-correcting capabilities--are correlated to commonly used Spanish textbooks such as "Ven Conmigo" and "En Espanol." Includes many other features...
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Passe Compose vs. L'imparfait
This site from Tex's French Grammar provides a very clear and concise explanation of the proper formation and usage of the passe compose and l'imparfait. Lists common verbs and adverbs associated with either of the tenses. Provides good...
Vocabulary Training Exercises
This site contains multiple vocabulary tests of 100 words each that drill word sets from animals to words of the soul. It also contains grammar quizzes and a personalized test generator.
Department of Defense
Do Dea: German 3, Semester 1: Marchen
A learning module through which students learn German words and phrases used in fairy tales, learn about the Grimm Brothers and Caspar David Friedrich, and review adjective endings and the imperfect verb tense.
Colby College
Spanish Language & Culture
Colby College provides a large collection of exercises on adjectives, adverbs, numbers, prepositions, clauses, study modules, and more.
University of Texas at Austin
University of Texas: Francais Interactif
This full-featured interactive textbook encounter utilizes French speakers in real life scenarios. Well structured for work on grammatical concepts (links to Tex's French Grammar), vocabulary, listening comprehension and exposure to...
University of Texas at Austin
Tex's French Grammar: Imparfait
This site from Tex's French Grammar provides a clear and concise presentation of the l'imparfait. Shows stem and endings, provides written and audio examples and interactive practice exercises. Has links to various usages, such as states...
Curated OER
Ricitos De Oro
Great exercise for practicing the preterite and imperfect tenses. Provide the correct form of verb infinitives that complete the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Immediate feedback corrects the answer. Correlates to another...