Library of Congress
Loc: America's Story: Panama Canal Treaty Signed
The Panama Canal was a short-cut through the tip of South America. Use this site to find out who built it and why.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Libraries: Make the Dirt Fly!
This online exhibition takes a detailed look at the construction of the Panama Canal. Content explores why the canal was built, how the route was chosen, how much man power and machine power it took to move all that dirt, hazards of the...
Yale University
Yale University: Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty
Open this page to read the full text of the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, which gave the U.S. rights to build the Panama Canal.
Cz Brats: Messages From the Past Panama's Petroglyphs
This page is an article entitled "Messages From The Past - Panama's Petroglyphs," by Louis R. Granger. It is taken from The Panama Canal Review, May 1969. It is a very interesting article about this aspect of Pre-Colombian history in...
Geography Iq: Panama
Comprehensive site on Panama that gives you "Facts at a Glance" or more in-depth information about such topics as geography, people, economy, climate, or foreign relations.
Panama Tours: Virtual Tourism Center
This site has excellent content range and is easy to navigate to find specifics. It is colorful, attractive, and extremely useful to learn not only the "basics" of Panama, but also specific holidays and customs, export products, etc. One...
Bienvenidos Al Sitio De El Canal De Panama
This is the index page of the Panama Canal Authority Web site. The page contains numerous links to learn all pertinent information about the canal. Links include: general information, history, transition of control (from the U.S. to...
The Panama Railroad
This page is entitled "The Panama Railroad, Chapter XIV" of the book "History of the Panama Canal", by Ira E. Bennett, 1915. It recounts important events of this period (1827-1855) of Panamanian history.
The Americans in Panama: Taking the Canal Zone
This page is a chapter from the book entitled "The Americans in Panama." It provides information about the colonial period of Panamanian history. "Panama's relations with the parent government at Bogota, from 1821, the year of...
The Americans in Panama: The Spanish in Panama
This page is a chapter from the book entitled "The Americans in Panama." It is an excellent narrative of both the Pre-Colombian and Colonial Periods of Panamanian history.
Asamblea Legislativa De Panama
This is the index page for the Web of the Legislative Assembly of Panama. This page provides numerous links to learn more about the organization. For example, click on "Conozca la Asamblea" (get to know the Assembly) to start.
Hartford Web Publishing
World History Archives: The Beginning of the End of the Panama Canal Zone
This is a detailed account of the events and investigations associated with the Panama riots of January 1964.
The Americans in Panama the Life Cost
This page is a chapter from the book entitled "Americans in Panama" copyright 1913. It outlines the lives lost and the health advances made during the period of building the Canal.
American Presidency Project
American Presidency Project: Remarks on the Decision to Build a Sea Level Canal
More than eleven months following the riots in the Panama Canal Zone, President Lyndon Johnson speaks concerning the decisions to build a larger, more efficient sea level canal for trade purposes and to negotiate a "New treaty on the...
University of Houston
University of Houston: Engines of Our Ingenuity: No. 403: Digging Through Panama
Read about the history of the Panama Canal in this article, which is a transcript of a radio broadcast.
Bbc: Carter Wins Panama Canal Battle
A news article originally published on April 18, 1978 entitled Carter wins Panama Canal Battle. The article tells about President Carter's work with Panama's leaders as well as information about the canal and its history.
Cz Brat: 1955 Treaty: The National Guard in Ascendance
This page is part of the Web of "CZ Brats," a site about the Panama Canal and Canal Zone. The article is about the temporary shift in power in Panama from the civilian aristocracy to the National Police, which occurred immediately after...
Building the Dams
This page is an article entitled "Building the Dams," from "The History of the Panama Canal" by Ira E. Bennett, Historical Publishing Company, 1915. It gives a very detailed account of this important event in the history of the Panama...
The Stevens Regime
This page is an article entitled "The Stevens Regime," from "The History of the Panama Canal," by Ira E. Bennett, 1915. It gives a very detailed account of an event in this period of history (early 1900's).
The Coming of Goethals
This page is an article entitled 'The Coming of Goethals,' from "History of the Panama Canal," by Ira E. Bennett, 1915. It gives a very detailed account of an event in this period of Panamanian history (early 1900's).
Georgetown University
Panama: Civil Society Organizations
This page is part of the Web entitled "Political Database of the Americas", at Georgetown University. The page lists other civil organizations that exist in Panama, with links to learn more about each one.
Historia Del Canal De Panama
This page is an article entitled "RESENA HISTORICA DEL CANAL DE PANAMA"- a historical review of the Panama Canal. It is not just about the Canal, however. The article mentions several significant historical events (1534-through the 1970s).
Canal Kids: Mundo (Natural & Historical World Wonders)
The "Mundo" area of Canal Kids highlights forty of the world's natural and historical wonders. Pick a location from the drop-down menu and get background information on the Parthenon, Mount Fuji, the Grand Canyon, the Great Wall of...
Panama History 1698 1790
This page is an article taken from the "The Canal Zone Pilot". It contains information about the Pre-Colombian Period, as well as the Colonial Period.