Class Flow: Fact or Opinion
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart reviews the definitions of fact and opinion and gives the students opportunities to sort and identify fact and opinion statements.
Lonely Planet
Lonely Planet: New Zealand
Concise travel site provided for by the Lonely Planet lists basic facts about New Zealand. Map and beautiful photographs included.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: The Planet Uranus
Kids learn about the ice giant planet Uranus of the Solar System including fun facts, mass, day, year, and distance from the Sun. Astronomy for kids and teachers.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: The Planet Venus
Kids learn about the planet Venus of the Solar System including fun facts, mass, day, year, and distance from the Sun. Astronomy for kids and teachers.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: The Planet Jupiter
Kids learn about the planet Jupiter of the Solar System including fun facts, mass, day, year, and distance from the Sun. Astronomy for kids and teachers.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: The Planet Mars
Kids learn about the planet Mars of the Solar System including fun facts, mass, day, year, and distance from the Sun. Astronomy for kids and teachers.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: The Planet Mercury
Kids learn about the planet Mercury of the Solar System including fun facts, mass, day, year, and distance from the Sun. Astronomy for kids and teachers.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: The Planet Neptune
Kids learn about the ice giant planet Neptune of the Solar System including fun facts, mass, day, year, and distance from the Sun. Astronomy for kids and teachers.
Class Flow: Fact or Opinion
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will be introduced to the difference between facts and opinions. They will practice determining which statements are facts and which are opinions. Activities include sorting and classifying...
Class Flow: Fact and Opinion
[Free Registration/Login Required] Designed for grade 6, this flipchart covers the differences between fact and opinion. Students will analyze statements to determine if they are a fact or if they are an opinion.
Class Flow: Fact or Fiction
[Free Registration/Login Required] Fact and Fantasy Lesson for 1st Grade in Learning Focused Format.
Class Flow: Is That a Fact?
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart, students will be introduced to concept of fact and opinion. It also contains an activating activity, teacher-directed instruction, key vocabulary, guided practice, independent...
Class Flow: The Fact Family
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart allows students to become familiar with fact families in a fun and creative way.
Planet Pals
Planet Pals: Litterbug Game
Learn some interesting facts concerning the impact twelve ordinary items can have on the environment.
Planet Pals
Planet Pals: Litterbug Game
Learn some interesting facts concerning the impact twelve ordinary items can have on the environment.
Class Flow: Know Your Multiplication Facts!
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is designed to serve as a review for students studying multiplication facts.
Class Flow: Multiplication Facts
[Free Registration/Login Required] These pages provide opportunities to practice recall of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables facts.
Class Flow: Multiplication Facts
[Free Registration/Login Required] The following pages provide opportunities to practice multiplication facts to 10 x 10.
Class Flow: Multiplication Grid
[Free Registration/Login Required] Reusable chart for multiplication facts.
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: All About Space: Mercury
The planet Mercury is profiled with information about its size, mass, atmosphere, length of day, and the like. Features include interactive activities and learning exercises.
California Institute of Technology
Spitzer Science Center: Historias Desde Espacio: Premiacion a Las Planetas
All the planets are competing to see who is the best planet in the Solar System. Read the story in Spanish to learn the results of the pageant. Excellent source of information presented in a fun manner.
A&E Television The Space Race: Interactive Universe
A virtual journey through space offers photos and facts about Earth and its neighboring planets, comets, other celestial bodies of the Solar System, and the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies.
Views of the Solar System
Views of the Solar System: Mars
Discover interesting information about the planet Mars through a vast archive of photographs and scientific facts.
University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas Mc Donald Observatory: Mars
Discover interesting facts about Mars, the furthest planet from the sun.