Teach Engineering: When Silicon Talks
In this activity, students tackle this aspect of engineering as they solve problems for precise angles and speeds, and predict data output when samples are altered.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physics: Wave Optics Study Guide
A study guide for concepts related to wave optics.
Pbs Learning Media: Einstein: How Smart Was He?
This essay from the NOVA Web site explores the impact Einstein made on physics and most everything we know about the cosmos.
Stanford University
Stanford University: Conventionality of Simultaneity
This site from Stanford University is on the topic of simultaneity in relativity.
Ducksters: Physics for Kids: Light
Kids learn about the science of light. Energy made of waves and particles called photons traveling at the top speed in the universe. What is refraction? The difference between transparent, translucent, and opaque.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physical Science: Properties of Electromagnetic Waves
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] The speed of electromagnetic waves, their wavelengths and frequencies and how to calculate wavelength or wave frequency.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Sunlight Is Way Older Than You Think
It takes light a zippy eight minutes to reach Earth from the surface of the Sun. But how long does it take that same light to travel from the Sun's core to its surface? Oddly enough, the answer is many thousands of years. Sten Odenwald...
University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas Mc Donald Observatory: Super Gelatin
Students measure the angles of refraction of laser light traveling through gelatin, then plot their data to calculate the gelatin's index of refraction.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: The Fundamentals of Space Time: Part 2
In this second installment of a three-part series on space-time, CERN scientists Andrew Pontzen and Tom Whyntie use a space-time diagram to analyze the sometimes confounding motion of light. [4:50]
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Wavelength Lab
This lab is designed to have students investigate the relationship between the speed of a wave, the frequency of the wave and the wavelength of the wave. Students can vary wave speed and frequency. Each of these should be varied while...
New Advent
Catholic Encyclopedia: Jean Bertrand Leon Foucault
A lengthy biographical sketch from The New Advent of Jean-Bertand-Leon Foucault (1819-1868 CE) physicist and mechanician. Discusses his upbringing, scientific work, major accomplishments and published articles. Please note that "The...
Wikipedia: The Black Hole
This site examines the black hole as an object in astrophysics. Delve into this comprehensive resource that covers this concept from its history, to qualitative physics, the reality of black holes, mathematical physics and more.
University of St. Andrews (UK)
University of St. Andrews: Special Relativity
A historical approach to special relativity, giving all the events and names in the history of discovery of special relativity. Many links to these individuals.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Science World: Maxwell, James
This ScienceWorld site describes the Scottish mathematician and physicist James Maxwell (1831-1879) who published physical and mathematical theories of the electromagnetic field.
Nasa: Imagine the Universe: Black Holes
Learn what black holes are and the myths that surround them.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Electromagnetic Spectrum
This tutorial explores using Planck's constant and the speed of light to calculate the wavelength, frequency, and energy of light.
Bbc: Gcse Bitesize: General Properties of Waves
Light travels as waves. Waves can be described by their amplitude, wavelength and frequency. The speed of a wave can be calculated from its frequency and wavelength.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Science World: Roemer, Olaf
This ScienceWorld site provides a biographical sketch of Olaf Roemer and describes his most notable scientific discoveries such as the first good estimate of the speed of light.
Moving on Up
[Free Registration/Login Required] During this MEA simulation, kindergarten students will be preparing for a move to another state. Students must work in cooperative groups as they determine which moving company will be the best for...
Chem4 Kids: Symbols in Chemical Equations
Chem4Kids! provides an overview of the symbols representing numerical values in chemical equations. Each symbol is defined and described.
Pbs Learning Media: Think Like Einstein
This interactive activity from the NOVA Web site challenges you to think like Einstein and understand how time travel might be possible.
Stanford University
Stanford Univ/gravity Probe B/relativity Q&a
Click "Relativity Q & A". Over 200 questions and answers dealing with relativity (special and general), answered by NASA scientist Dr. Sten Odenwald. Answers are generally one paragraph, very clear and coherent.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Kinetic Energy Formula
Explains what is meant by kinetic energy and demonstrates how to use the formulas for a point mass moving at less than the speed of light, for rotational motion, and for a mass moving at a relativistic speed. Includes interactive...
Quantum Mysteries: Deepening Quantum Mysteries
Although it is arguably the most successful theory in physics, quantum physics has often baffled and confounded both its practitioners and the general public. This informative website discusses the types of mysteries, which still plague...