Instructional Video
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Big Bang and Expansion of the Universe: Red Shift

For Students 9th - 10th
Video lecture explores the red shift theory as it relates to the expansion of the universe. [10:04]
Instructional Video
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Time Scale of the Cosmos: Cosmological Time Scale 1

For Students 9th - 10th
A video reviewing a cosmological time scale from the Big Bang to the Declaration of Indepence. See what would happen to the "time" if the scale was "scaled down". This video helps students relate to the time that these events occured in...
Instructional Video
Bozeman Science

Bozeman Science: Photons

For Students 9th - 10th
In the following video Paul Andersen explains how light travels in photons which can be described as both particles and waves. Einstein showed that photons can be described as particles using the photoelectric effect to show that the...
Instructional Video
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Measuring Time in Meters in Minkowski Spacetime

For Students 9th - 10th
As counterintuitive as it might sound, it will become extremely convenient to use the same units for space and time. Here's how. [4:57]
Instructional Video
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Galilean Transformation and Contradictions With Light

For Students 9th - 10th
Here we'll see how classical physics predicts scenarios that disagree with what we observe in nature. Something's got to give. [8:03]
Instructional Video
Science for Kids

Science Kids: Scientist Videos: Albert Einstein Biography

For Students 9th - 10th
Learn some interesting facts and information about the amazing life of Albert Einstein. [2:10]
Instructional Video
Bozeman Science

Bozeman Science: Equivalence Principle

For Students 9th - 10th
Paul Andersen explains how inertial mass and gravitational mass are equivalent. [6:16]
Instructional Video

Sci Show: 3 Ways Pi Can Explain Practically Everything

For Students 9th - 10th
A video exploring how Pi can be used to study everyday science concepts such as planets, spheres, electrons etc. [4:53]
Instructional Video
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Kant: On Space, Part 2

For Students 9th - 10th
Scott Edgar (Saint Mary's) returns to Kant's argument from Geometry, this time examining two famous objections to it: the famous 'neglected alternative' objection and a powerful objection from 20th century physics. [5:18]
Instructional Video

Professor Dave Explains: Wave Particle Duality and the Photoelectric Effect

For Students 9th - 10th
Professor Dave explains what we mean by wave-particle duality and how this relates to the photoelectric effect. He discusses how this relationship was discovered through the work of Max Planck and Albert Einstein. [3:55]
Instructional Video
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Thermodynamics Part 2: Ideal Gas Law

For Students 9th - 10th
To begin, Sal solves a constant temperature problem using PV=PV. Then he relates temperature to kinetic energy of a gas. In the second half of the video, he derives the ideal gas law. [10:18]
Instructional Video
National Science Foundation

National Science Foundation: Making Waves, Saving Lives

For Students 9th - 10th
The devastating 2004 Southeast Asia tsunami provided researchers with previous non-existent valuable data and video as to the workings of a tsunami. As well, a discussion is presented of how a tsunami would affect the west coast of...
Instructional Video
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Social Movements

For Students 9th - 10th
This video discusses the different types of social movements and why and how they form. [7:34]

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