TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Two Objects Same Room Two Different Temperatures?
How can two objects have the same temperature but feel like they have different temperatures? Veritasium explores this phenomenon. [4:00]
Georgia State University
Georgia State University: Hyper Physics: Saturated Vapor Pressure
The meaning of vapor pressure is introduced. The distinction between evaporation and boiling is discussed and explained. The reason that liquids undergo vaporization is explained.
American Chemical Society
Middle School Chemistry: Molecules in Motion
Slide the temperature gauge and see what happens to the movement of the molecules.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Insulation Fact Sheet
Several well-written pages using easy-to-understand language. Explains about every detail concerning insulation and its installation or replacement. Discusses R values, heat loss, insulation types, etc.
University of Sydney (Australia)
Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics [Pdf]
A set of printable pdf pages from the University of Sydney's "Thermal Physics Module" site. Entropy is defined and explained conceptually. The mathematical treatment of entropy is introduced. The second law of thermodynamics and its...
Climate Literacy
Clean: What Happens to Ice in Water?
Young scholars investigate the properties of water in the ice and liquid phase as it relates to convection in the ocean and density driven circulation, and ultimately the climate.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole Oceanography Institute: Deep Ocean Circulation
What causes the circulation of ocean waters that are too deep to be affected by wind? Find out how salinity and temperature drive the deep sea currents. This resource has several videos and an online quiz.
Warmair.com: Insulation
The role of insulation in preventing heat loss is discussed. The concept of thermal resistance is introduced and explained. Understandable language but no graphics.
Curated OER
Fund. Of Phys. Geography/energy, Temperature, and Heat
A page describing (in part) the distinction between energy, temperature and heat. Includes graphic illustrating the quantity of energy needed to transform water between its various states. Methods of thermal energy transfer (convection,...
Applied Thermodynamics: Diesel Cycle
The P-V diagram for a diesel cycle is provided and discussed at this site from Applied Thermodynamics. The steps of the thermodynamic cycle are labeled (and defined elsewhere). An equation for thermal efficiency is given.
Solar Cooking Archive
This website is brought to you by Solar Cookers International. You can view the site in English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. Check out how to build different types of solar cookers.
Science is Fun
Science Is Fun: The Fireproof Balloon
In this experiment, two balloons are each placed over a lighted match, but the one that has had water placed inside it does not burst. Includes an explanation of why that is so.
L in C Online: Three Little Pigs
An energy transfer project for junior high school students is presented and described. Takes the form of a teacher lesson plan. Students may be able to extract some ideas for a project or experiment.
Educaplus (Jesús Peñas Cano)
Educaplus: Calorimetria [In Spanish]
Practice with the calorimeter and calculate the specific heat of different substances.
Chemistry Collective
Chem Collective: Coffee Problem
Use the virtual lab to determine how much milk to add to hot coffee to reach the desired temperature
Chemistry Collective
Chem Collective: Camping Problem
Measure the enthalpy of a reaction and then create a solution warm enough to cook food.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Chemistry: Thermochemistry
Through informational text, interactive practice problems, online labs, and virtual simulations, students are introduced to the concepts of thermochemistry.
MadSci Network
The Mad Scientist Network: Physics
A page from the question and answer section of this useful site. The page responds to the user question: "Explain convection to me in terms I can understand." An excellent discussion of the method of convection.
Exploratorium: Exhibit Cross Reference: Convection Currents
A description of a museum exhibit that illustrates convection and convection currents. Great idea stimulus for a student project or lab investigation.
Applied Thermodynamics: Steam Turbine
A steam turbine is defined at Applied Thermodynamics. The individual steps of a steam turbine engine are illustrated and explained.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley Lab: University of California: Electromagnetic Radiation
This page defines electromagnetic radiation. Included are links to more information.
University of Sydney (Australia)
Equations for Thermodynamics
An exhaustive list of equations and formulas which are commonly used in thermal physics (including equations for triple point). Equations are organized according to category. Meaning of the symbols is clearly stated.
Upper Canada District School Board
Tom Stretton's Advanced Placement Chemistry: Thermochemistry
This chemistry e-textbook provides students with AP-level reading and practice material on thermochemistry.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Exploring Molecular Movement: Does Temperature Matter?
In this interactive demonstration, students observe what happens to food coloring when dropped into beakers containing different temperatures of water.