Curated OER
How Many Bears in the Forest?
Third graders model the tag and recapture of bears and use proportions to estimate the population of the bears in their forest. This is a statistical sampling method used by scientists and naturalists to determine population numbers.
Curated OER
Basic Subtraction Facts: Missing Blanks
For this math worksheet, students solve 20 subtraction problems in which there is a missing number in each. Students use the number line to fill in the missing number in each problem.
Math Cats
Math Cats: Explore the Multiplication Table
Create multiplication fact arrays using this tool. Click a number on the side and then the times symbol. Now click a number along the top and the equals symbol. The array appears in yellow. The answer in digits is shown at the bottom of...
Mangahigh: Sundae Times: Times Tables From X2 Up to X15
Have fun building a giant ice-cream sundae as you solve times table questions. You can play on your own or join an online multiplayer game.
Bbc Skillswise: Times Table Activities
Use this BBC Skillswise math site to learn your times tables using the different activities. Factsheets, games, three different level quizzes, and worksheets with answers available.
Math Slice
Math Slice: Multiplication Tables: Math Worksheets
Select a times table factor from a chart and this tool creates a instructional activity for you. You can then click on the 'New Worksheet' button at the top to create a fresh instructional activity, or return to the table to choose...
Sums Math: Learn Your Tables
Students review their multiplication facts. A matching learning game, practice problems, and assessment are included.
Mr. Martini's Classroom
Mr. Martini's Classroom: Multiplication Table: Selectable Times Tables
Students can use this customizable times table to practice multiplication facts.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Illuminations: Interactive Times Table
Use this interactive multiplication table to practice the multiplication facts through 9 X 9. CCSS.Math.Content.4.OA.A.1 Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison
Multiplication: An Adventure in Number Sense
This explanation for learning your multiplication tables is interactive and fun. There are only about 13 facts that students may want to memorize.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Illuminations: Times Table
This tool allows you to practice multiplying single-digit numbers.
Project Happy Child: Multiplication Worksheets
2000 basic multiplication worksheets are available at this web site. They can be printed and used for a variety of practice purposes. Some helpful hints are included to avoid mindless practice that could quickly become counter productive.
Quia: Multiplication Facts Review 1 10
Do you need practice remembering or learning your multiplication facts up to 10 X 10? This matching game is the web site for you! There is a link to a list of multiplication facts and their products you can click if you want to see if...
Quia: Multiplication Facts Review 1 10
Do you need practice remembering or learning your multiplication facts up to 10 X 10? This flash card practice is the web site for you! There is a link to a list of multiplication facts and their products you can click if you want to see...
Quia: Multiplication Facts Review 1 10
Do you need practice remembering or learning your multiplication facts up to 10 X 10? This concentration game is the web site for you! There is a link to a list of multiplication facts and their products you can click if you want to see...
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Games Pelmathism, Multiplication
Use this game to improve your quickness and memorization of multiplication facts. You can set the facts you want to practice on this game.
Quia: Multiplication Madness Fives & Sixes
Do you need practice learning and remembering your multiplication facts for the fives and sixes? This concentration game is the web site for you! There is a link to a list of the facts being used so you can check your answer.
Toy Theater
Toy Theater: Multiplication Chart 1 to 12
Learn multiplication by using this versatile interactive times table grid. Users can find the product of two numbers from 1 through 12, color in rows and columns, and look for patterns throughout the chart.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Two Times Table
The practice assessment tests students on their multiplication skills. Students can check their answers when they have finished all ten two times table questions.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Three Times Table
The practice assessment tests students on their multiplication skills. Students can check their answers when they have finished all ten three times table questions.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Four Times Table
The practice assessment tests students on their multiplication skills. Students can check their answers when they have finished all ten four times table questions.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Six Times Table
The practice assessment tests students on their multiplication skills. Students can check their answers when they have finished all ten six times table questions.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Seven Times Table
The practice assessment tests students on their multiplication skills. Students can check their answers when they have finished all ten seven times table questions.
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Eight Times Table
The practice assessment tests students on their eight times table skills. Students answer ten multiplication questions. Learners can check to see if their solutions are correct when they are finished.